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Monday, June 11, 2007
*Does an amateurish hula dance*
Hop! Step! Jump!
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Open Heart!
Wisdom teeth: No pain! XD So happy. ^^
Today is a public holiday here in Australia. It's the Queen's birthday. I totally forgot coz I don't have uni. ^^' I'm home anyway. ^^"
As some of you already now, my monitor died on Thursday. T.T We got a new one, and it's huge. O.o I'm still trying to get used to it. It's so flat and big and bright. @.@ I'm still playing around with its settings to get the right brightness and whatnot. Coz my mum says it's too bright, my dad says it's not bright enough. >.< For some reason (mostly coz I'm in front of the computer all day ^^') it's up to me to make the whole family happy with the monitor. ^^'
Here's a pic master hiko sent me coz my monitor died. ^^

On Saturday, my aunt and I went to see "Hula Girls" at the city. ^^ You see, this month's Sydney Film Festival. ^^ That movie was absolutely amazing! XD My heart was pounding really hard by the end of it. XD
"Think hula, think Hawaii -- not this time! Lee Sang-il's surprising film is set in the 60s in a northern Japanese mining town. It's cold and grey, not the place for Pina Coladas and grass skirts. The mine is struggling and workers are about to lose their jobs. Plans are announced to build a Hawaiian theme park, and whaddya know they need hula dancers (believe it or not, this is based on a true story). Soon a bunch of rhythmically challenged hopefuls, under the control of Tokyo-exile Ms. Madoka, are frantically swinging their hips and smiling the smile. Winner of four Japanese Oscars, Hula Girls is both an uplifting tale of defiant underdogs and a rich portrait of a town struggling to cope with changing times." (Sydney Film Festival)
There was just one bad side to that movie. ^^' It was the subtitles. There were a few places where I thought the subtitles could've been better, and also the dialect used in the film was completely lost. Unfortunately, the dialect problem can't be fixed. -_-" It's no big deal though. ^^ There was only one big scene where the dialect played an important role. Oh, there was another bad thing about the movie: my aunt. >.< She was her usual self, where she acts pleasant, but always says hurtful things. She loved the move though. She started clapping when it was over, then I started clapping, then everyone started clapping! O.o I tried to post a pic for you, but it didn’t work for some reason. -_-' Sorry.
I’ve been home all week studying, except when I went to see "Hula Girls", so that's all I have to say today. ^^
Answers to master hiko’s questions:
* Yes, you do ask that many questions. I seriously don't mind. ^^ You guys can ask as many questions as you'd like. I'll try to answer all of them. ^^
* The game won’t give me any stress. ^^ My last exam's on next week Wednesday, so I'll have more free time. ^^
* My Luna and the land lady’s cat, Lily, are enemies coz Luna’s really territorial. ^^' Lily would just come to our place every morning to steal some of Luna’s breakfast. >.< Luna gets upset, then attacks Lily, but Lily just won’t quit! O.o Luna even ran away from home a few times coz of Lily. But only went next door. ^^' She didn’t go very far, did she? My mum always went next door to bring her home. XP
Answer to Fortuna Jewels’ question:
* I fell off my computer chair coz it doesn’t have a back. ^^' I was about to sit down, went too far and slid right off. X.x
Kya~! The sky's so beautiful right now! XD Here:

Hm... It doesn't look as grey as it actually was...
Ok! Now on to the picture guessing game! XD (I need a proper title for the game ^^') Below is a zoomed in picture of something (Round 1), and everyone has to guess what it is. But only one guess per person per round. If no one guesses it right, then next week I'll post another picture of the same thing, but zoomed out a little (Round 2). There will be three rounds in total per game. If no one guesses the object right by then, I win. XP
I would also like to take the time now to thank my dear friend Matt (BKstyles) who always supports me, and is always there when I need him. ^^ Like today when I was panicking and being really nervous about this game, he was there for me and listened to me ramble on about how I need more light to take the picture properly. I don't know what I'd do without him. ^^' Oh yeah, I do know what I'd be doing: constantly be in a state of panic and one nervous breakdown after another. ^^" He always takes the time to answer my questions, and helps me with my homework too. ^^ I'm really lucky to have him as a friend. ^^ Arigatou Matt. *hug*
Game 1 Round 1:

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