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Dragon Ball/Z/GT; Rurouni Kenshin; Pokemon; Honey and Clover; Trigun; Detective Conan; NARUTO; Ultimate Muscle; Cyborg009; Yu-Gi-Oh!; One Piece; Full MetalAlchemist; Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex/2nd Gig; Kindaichi Case Files
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Monday, July 9, 2007
Lots of pics! XD
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A bit depressed... Maybe I need to drink some green tea like last time? ^^"
My dad's been annoying me for a while now. My Luna's over weight, and he always gives her lots of food when I tell him not to. I'm really worried about my Luna. She needs to lose some weight, but it's not possible when my dad gives her more food. And he always lets her out late at night. She loves staying out late, so she doesn't come back until past 1am. >.< I'm always worried about her. I see lots of news on animal cruelty. And I see lots of pets run over on the streets. I don't want Luna to become one of them, but my dad just doesn't understand that. T.T We fight a lot coz of this...
Friday... I can't remember what I did. ^^' Oh yeah, I watched "Honey and Clover 2". XD I love that anime! I think it's the best non-action/adventure anime ever!!! This post box is a screen shot from it. ^^ I don't really like yellow, but it's easier to read. ^^'
Saturday... Battled with Photoshop. I was struck with a few inspirations for e-cards. XD About time... ^^" I might submit it. MIGHT. XP So I was trying to use dad's Photoshop to make it. But it kept on freezing. T.T I use it for 2 minutes, and it freezes for 5. >.< It was so frustrating. x.x Then after using it for 30mins, it stopped working altogether. >.<
Yesterday... The battle with Photoshop continued. X.x
Today... There was a Baha'i thing (my religion) so I had to go to that at 11am. I was half asleep when I got there. ^^' Lots of food. XP I got stuck halfway up the stairs though. (3 storeys) I scared everyone there for a while, heh. My abi (onii-san) asked where it hurt: the right of my kneecap, the left of my kneecap, the bottom of my kneecap. He freaked out when I told him that it was inside my kneecap. ^^" Then his mother (my mum's best friend) told my mum off for not taking me to the specialist. So yeah, I might be going soon. ^^ Oh and whenever I go to these things, I barely talk. But today, I talked a little, so I'm kind of proud of myself. XD I usually say like a sentence for every hour I'm there. Today, I said about 2~3 per hour. XD Ahahaha! Oh and I'm still battling with Photoshop. >.< It's bad enough I have absolutely no idea how to use it. ^^' It takes like 10 minutes to change the font's colour. I told my dad and all he said was "Yeah, it does that"... Great. >.<
I also got a new electronic dictionary! XD It's just so cool! Arigatou grandma for sending it to me! XD Fortuna-chan, I think I collect dictionaries. ^^" I have lots of dictionaries. My two favourite are my Australian Slang Dictionary and my Dictionary of Idiocy. XP Anyway, my new dictionary has so many new functions that it's actually scary. ^^' The instruction booklet's 250+ pages long. @.@ There are so many Japanese characters that I can't read in it, so I think I may need my new dictionary to just read it! Irony? It's possible, but I wouldn’t know coz I can't look it up! Ahahaha! XD
My grandma also sent me T-shirts from when she went to Hawaii... Here's a pic of one of them. (the other's normal, it just has the hotel's logo on it)

She's crazy if she actually expects me to wear it! Not only am I 20 years old, it's size L! Not that I'm going to wear it if it was smaller. ^^" Sorry about the size of the pic, I just couldn't bring myself to making it smaller. You deserve to see it in all it's weirdly goodness! XD
Our land lady came in this afternoon with her dog, Tina. She's just so cute! XD I think she looks like Little Red Riding Hood, but mum said she looks like a fireman. Hence the fire extinguisher. ^^"

Here's a link to a pic of me. For those that don't know, I didn't hurt my ankle. ^^' I just really didn't want to dance at my abi's engagement party. XP (Note: I'm 5'1")
Hehehe! I hope it works. ^^"
Picture Guessing Game!
Game 2 Answer: My cordless!

Game 3 Round 1:

I took it at a weird angle just for the fun of it! XD
Something I've been wondering for a while:
Figuratively speaking, Superman's the man of steel, right? And he catches people when they fall off buildings, right? So then think about this: his arms are like steel and you fall off from up high and he catches you... Won't that hurt?
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