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Thursday, July 12, 2007
Blah Blah Blah... Here I go again... ^^
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Open Heart!
My aunt came over Tuesday night. She told me about the Stitches and Crafts Show. The one I couldn't go to coz my mum had a headache. T.T She described heaven. T.T I don't care anymore! I'm definitely going next year! XD
Tonight, I went to another Baha'i thing. Nothing new. Just the usual praying and whatnot. (It's like going to church, but you can do it at someone's house) Oh but there was a guest there. So mum started telling her how I could speak 5 languages. O.o Where did she get that from!? Well, I did study Spanish for 2 years in primary (elementary) school and Italian in high school for 4 years. But you know what she said? She said, "My (Raina) studied Spanish for 8 years and Italian for 6 years"... What the??? O.O "(Raina) can’t remember much of Spanish, but she understands Italian perfectly." WHAT THE!?!?!? I was too stunned to say anything... (And I'll get into trouble if I correct mum in anyway...) After we came home, I told her not to say that again. Then she said "So what? It's not like they're ever going to find out." O.o How about the time you said that to an Italian and he started talking to me in Italian!? I stood there like an idiot. I couldn't say anything. >.< She always put me into those situations. T.T
Once, she said in a huge crowd of people "Go on (Raina), ask them what you've been wanting to ask." I looked at her with my mouth open. After about 3 minutes of people staring at me, mum said "Well, if you're not going to ask, I'll ask for you." And so she did. Later she explained to me that it was a question she wanted to ask and thought that people would give a better answer if I asked. But there was a HUGE hole in her plan... I didn't know anything about it!!! Did she really have to wait that long before she asked the question herself? Urgh... 20 years of mum being like this is really tiring...
Sorry, I'm in a rambling mood today. ^^" And I know that there are people worse off than me. So I should be grateful that I have a mother... Even if she get's on my nerves every single day...
They've been showing BLEACH, Eureka Seven and Trinity Blood here on Adult Swim. XD I'm so happy! XD It makes life worth living. Hehehe. ^^ But the thing is, Adult Swim never actually aired commercials about it starting. -_-" Maybe it did, but I sure didn't see any of it! T.T So I missed the first two episodes of BLEACH, the first of Eureka Seven and the first three of trinity Blood. T.T Damn you Adult Swim! >.< Oh and it's also airing Inuyasha and Fullmetal Alchemist for the fifth time... I wonder if they'll ever show Detective Conan! XD
The Adventures of Z-man!
Z-man vs Luna:

KO!!!!! The winner is Luna!!!

Z-man: What? You didn't really expect me to fight a lady?
Raina: Uh huh... And what was all that "Save me! For the love of God! Someone get me away from this vicious tiger!"? XP
Z-man: ... I hate you...
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