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Monday, July 23, 2007
1 more week... NO!!!!! (warning: extremely long post)
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That's right. I only have 1 more week of holidays. T.T I'm happy that I'll have something to do and be out of the house... But my timetable is really bad! X.X Just look at it!
Sociolinguistics Lecture 1:30pm ~ 2:30pm
Japanese 2pm ~ 5pm
Interpreting Skills Tutorial 09:00 ~ 11:00
Sociolinguistics Tutorial 11:30am ~ 1:30pm
Interpreting Skills Lecture 9am ~ 10am
Medical Interpreting Lecture 5pm ~ 6pm
Medical Interpreting Tutorial 6pm ~ 9pm
My Sociolinguistics Lecture and Japanese class clash! And I can't change the time for either one. T.T And just look at Wednesday! I have to be at uni for 12 hours! And seriously what's that 7 hour gap between Interpreting Skills and Medical Interpreting!? O.O I'm so going to die! Ok, at least it's only 3 days a week, so I can look for work on the other days. But still! Oh and my mum said that she'll come pick me up on Wednesday nights so I won't have to take public transport... But yeah, I'm a 20 year old uni student who's going to have her mommy pick her up from school...
So what have I been doing this past few days since my last post? First, trying to stay sane while I endure being offline. I used to talk to Matt everyday, but I only talked to him yesterday and today. T.T Not fair! Other than that, MANGA and SOCCER! XD
"Nakayosi Lovely Summer Edition" was long... 700+ pages of shoujo manga... But I enjoyed ever page! XD I really like Kei Enue. At the moment, she's the mangaka of one of my favourite mystery series. ^^ "Meittantei Yumemizu Kiyoshirou Jiken Nooto" (Great Detective Kiyoshirou Yumemizu Case Notes).
"Eureka Seven" was beautifully drawn. ^^ Now I finally know what happened on episode 1 of the anime! XD And the pace was much faster that the anime too. I like it like that. That's also the usual style of writing for Japanese novels. What was it called again? "Economical with words". ^^
OMG! I'm so in love with "Trigun"'s mangaka, Yasuhiro Nightow's drawing right now! XD It's so strong and bold and detailed! But then it gets round and shoujo-ish during the comedy scenes! Well, that's normal but the transition's brilliant! But the action scenes were a bit hard to understand at times. I guess it's coz the page amount's limited... Anyway, Vash is so cute! XD
I nearly cried reading "Saikano". T.T It's so sad and sweet. T.T I used to like the main character Shuu-chan, but not really anymore. Hmph. I shouldn't say why, coz I don't want to spoil it for anyone. I wasn't that into Chise (other main character) after vol 1, but I like her more now. ^^ *hisses at her bf (Shuu-chan)*
Today I watched "DBGT" the DVD. XD It's been ages since I watched these episodes! About 8 years in fact. ^^' I watched it in Japanese first. Oh did it bring back happy memories. *hugs DVD* Then I watched it again in English... The Japanese was better. I'm going to watch it again in Japanese with English subtitles this week (hopefully). I LOVE DBGT!!! And Trunks' voice in Japanese is so hot! Trunks is so hot! XD I have a crush on him since I was 10. XD
Ok now to soccer. I should warn you though, I'm a pretty big fan of the Japanese national team, so I'll really heat from now. ^^'
It's that wonderful time again! Asian Cup!!! XD Japan won 3 times in a row! XD We're the best in Asia! XD In your face other Asian countries! Japan's the best and we worked hard to ear it baby! That’s right!!! And we've got the hottest players! *cough* No one can EVER deny that Kawaguchi is the best goal keeper the world has ever seen! XD The captain of the national team! That's right! Whooo!!! He's the captain and the oldest player! The one with the experience! Japan would be lost without you Kawaguchi!!! (Yes, I'm a huge fan of his...)
Saturday was a night I was waiting for since the group games in last year's FIFA World Cup! Since that faithful day... Since that day Australia bought its win coz they hired the best coach in the world, Guus Hiddink... Damn you Hiddink! That win should've been Japan's! And Schwartzer fouled Yanagisawa! Not the other way round! Even FIFA made a full report about that! There was no "controversy" in it! You hear me Australian commentators!? FIFA is the law of soccer! If they said that Australia fouled, then Australia fouled! Don't go throwing around the word "controversy" if you don’t know what it means!
Tha~t's right. The rematch was on Saturday night. Mwahahahahaha!!! That's right. Sweet revenge. Hehehehehehehehe. XD 0-0 at the end of the first half. Then IT happened. At the 69th minute. Australia scored a goal! NO~~~!!! >.< BUT! At the 71st minute, Japan scored the equaliser! YES! I love you Takahara! XD Then that bas*beep*d Grella elbowed Takahara in the face 5 mins later! O.o Just coz he scored a goal!? What a sore loser. He got an instant red card and was sent off! Serves him right! But you know what the commentators said? "Controversial"! What's so controversial about that? Grella elbowed a player in the face! It's just I tell you, JUST!
1-1 and the game ended. But it didn't end there coz it was the quarter finals. The knock out stage! It can't end there. No, we need a winner. Not a draw. So 30 extra minutes. 30 gruelling minutes. Australia only had 10 players. Japan had 11... Still no goal! Argh! I was going insane!
Then the worst happened. Penalty kicks! I was about to have a heart attack. Who saved the day? Who saved the whole of Japan? My hero Kawaguchi! XD I can't believe how good he was! He knew where the ball was going! AHAHAHAHAHA!!! It was the best!
That's damn right! JAPAN WON!!! 4-3 at the penalties! We won! We won! We won! Take that you s*beep*t head Socceroos! XD
Here's the Sydney Morning Herald's take on the match:
Socceroos fall short when put on the spot
Be warned though, it's really biased. The more biased the media are, the more people actually believe in the non-existant "controversies". >.<
I know that I've been really biased too, but I have really good reasons for that. The Socceroos think that it's manly to foul other players (like trip them or kick them). And when the player fouled is hurt, they go up to him and tell him to stop faking and try to make him stand. Then they laugh... It's so annoying. But when a Socceroo is touched by a player, they dive and roll around on the ground in "pain". That's so manly. The Australian players have absolutely no respect for their opposition. I'm not the only one who thinks this. There's actually 1 relatively smart commentator who said it. And the Iraqi goal keeper said it too. People FINALLY said it! XD The Australian team blame others when they themselves make mistakes. They even swear at the referees! O.o It's absolutely rude!
It doesn't help when the Australian commentators and the Australian media are always on their side. The players are like children. Or better yet, misbehaving dogs on a leash. Give them a bit of slack and they go off running.
But they played really well. I can't deny that. Although it was mostly "I can do it myself *runs on his own to the goal*". They were good individually, but not really as a team. They didn't listen to their coach (the new one, not Hiddink) too. The defenders were in the mid-field, the mid-fielders were in the attack position with the forwards... It was a mess. The coach (Arnold something... I think) was telling them to get back int position, but no one was really listening. But still, the individual players were great. And they were all really fluid in their movements. Something the Japanese side lacked.
The Japanese team really improved in the past 10 years I've been watching them. Kawaguchi was the goal keeper throughout those years. XD The passes were brilliant. They ran fast too. They knew what theor individual role in the team was and played well. they stcicked to the plan. They had excellent communication while on the field. It was art! They're shorter than the Australian players, but they had great height in their jumps. XD The whole gameplay was incredible! That was the best Japan has ever played! But yes, they lacked fluidity. They would stop and think each move before they passed the ball. It gave the Australians a chance to think of their move too. ^^'
Next is Japan vs Saudi Arabia! XD I can't remember when that is. ^^" Don't worry, I only get this heated up when it's against Australia. ^^'
Oh and I learned that I know more Japanese swear words than I thought I did. ^^" Yeah I was swearing and screaming my head off during the match. XD But so were my parents! XD
Anyway, this is way too long. ^^" Thank you if you actually read all that. ^^
Here's the link to the video I mentioned in my last post.
She is so adorable! XD
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