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Friday, August 10, 2007
I’ve so much to tell and show you. XD Ok, first of all, a chook is a chicken. ^^
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So, the funny story. XP
On Monday, I was at the station waiting for my train. There was this old lady (age 65~70?) waiting for her train on the platform opposite mine. Then this lady suddenly pushed the Emergency Button. O.o And of course, it starts beeping. Then an announcement starts and the guy says over the speakers “Attention passenger on platform 4, the Emergency Button is for emergencies only.” The lady shouts out into the air “I want to know what time the train for City Central for Sydney comes.” I’m thinking that it’s totally strange coz we are in Sydney. o.o So the guy over the speakers tell her that it’s coming in 9 minutes. And all this time, the Emergency Button is beeping non-stop.
The lady turns to me and yells “Excuse me! Can you help me ask these people when the train comes?” I start giggling and yell across to her “9 minutes!” But she couldn’t hear me or something. So she asks me again. I yelled back “next train!” By this time I’m giggling uncontrollably. XD And the emergency button’s still beeping. XD
Ok, so the emergency button was beeping. But now, it started to peep. O.o? Then this lady’s voice came out of the emergency button’s intercom. “Sydney Police Department. What’s the emergency?” Then the lady replies to the intercom “I don’t need an ambulance. Just tell me what time the next train to the City Central of Sydney comes.” OMG she didn’t just ask that again. O.o The police officer on the intercom didn’t seem to know what to do coz she just stayed quiet for a bit. Then she finally asked the lady to wait a moment. Then the lady that works at the station FINALLY came down to the platform to talk to the lady. ^^”
Then my train came so I don’t know what happened after. ^^’ But I was glad to get out of there. I was laughing so hard by the end of it that people on my platform was looking at me funny thinking I’m crazy. XP
Right then. ^^” Wednesday was horrible. I only slept about 4 hours that day anyway. T.T I fell asleep during my first lecture. And you know those chairs that have a table on the side that folds up? When I fell asleep, I accidentally knocked it back to the side of the seat and my books and pens and stuff all flew off and fell to the floor. O.o That woke me up. XD I was dead tired the rest of the day too. So when it was 5pm, I had to have some coffee to keep me awake. Now, people who know me know that I hate coffee. People who know me well know that I shouldn’t have any coffee. ^^” That’s coz the last time I had coffee, I became really hyperactive. Jumping up and down, shaking, wanting to climb walls... I totally scared my friends that day. XD So yeah, when I bought the coffee on Wednesday, my friend wasn’t too comfortable with it. ^^" It was so yuck that I had to put 5 packs of sugar in it. >.< But the strange thing is, I didn’t become hyper at all. O.o? I was still physically tired, but now I was mentally alert. XP I managed to survive another Wednesday. XD
I’ve been having internet problems since Wednesday night too. I thought it was the provider’s fault. But today, I discovered that it was the router’s fault. The WAN outlet was broken, so it was straining the router. Which then over heated so the net didn’t work properly. And who had the pleasure to call people and fix net and go and buy a new router and set it up and all those pleasant stuff? Me. >.< My dad was absolutely useless. I asked my mum who the man of the house was. And she said that it’s me. >.> Oh great. >.< Oh I got a wireless cable this time. So that means I’m not stuck in my dad’s little office which was freezing at nights. ^^ But that also means that I’m now in the living room and I have even less privacy. T.T Oh well, at least I can watch TV while I use the computer. I’ve never done that before. ^^
You guys remember Lily the cat, right? She’s the land lady’s cat. Well today, her son Costa caught a mouse! The mouse was so tiny and cute! XD I have pics. ^^

As mum was taking these pics, my dad called out to us and said that my Luna caught a mouse too! And that she brought it into my room. >.< This mouse was even smaller than the one Costa caught. XD

I caught the little mousy in a jar. ^^

Then the land lady and my mum were telling me to kill it. T.T How do they expect me to kill something so adorable??? My mum told me to flush it like in that movie. She said that it can live in the sewer. >.< Then the land lady told me to give the mouse to Lily so that she can kill it. I was about to cry when the land lady told me to pour boiling water on it to kill it! X.X
So what did I do? I took it to a local church and let it go there. ^^ When I got back, the land lady told me that the mouse Costa caught escaped. XD So the two little mice are alive! XD

So that’s my life in the past 3 days. ^^ I’ve still got a lot of homework to do. T.T I think I have 4 assignments, 2 presentations, 5 written exams, 9 spoken exams and countless miscellaneous homework, all by the end of October. >.< Ah crap! Listing them made me realise how much work I have to do. And now it’s all daunting. T.T *sigh*
Ok, back to work for me. ^^ Bye~! XD
[edit]Comment boxes aren't working for me for some reason. T.T It was working a few hours ago. T.T If you don't get a comment from me, I'm sorry. T.T This also means that I can't read any comments too. T.T But that doesn't mean you can just not comment on my post. ^.~ I'm sure it'll start working soon. XP[/edit]
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