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Saturday, November 17, 2007
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Open Heart!
Ok, ok. I'll post at least once a week. XD ... Hm... Didn't I say the exact same thing a couple of months ago? O.o
Anyway, my dad forgot that we're fighting. o.o I don't know how I'm supposed to react to that. ^^'
Ah, my assignment wasn't evil. XP I had 3 months to do it, but did it in the last 3 days. XD I'm the evil one. XD
They're showing "Le Chevalier D'Eon" here on Adult Swim right now. It's set in 18th Century France. It's a really cool anime. Lots of fencing. ^^ But the first episode was so confusing. @.@ There were a lot of French words and references to the bible. @.@ The main character, D'Eon, is a member of the secret French secret police and he's trying to solve his sister, Lia's, mysterious death. Episode 2 wasn't that confusing, so I'm beginning to really enjoy this anime. ^^ (I've seen 4 episodes so far)
I did my last interpreing exam on Thursday. It didn't go so well. T.T Now don't say "I'm sure you did fine", coz it seriously was 30 minutes of torture. >.< Although some bits were easy... ^^' But yeah, the hard parts were mind numbingly hard. x.x I only have two more exams next week and I'm done for the year. XD No more classes, no more assignments, no more exams. Ye~y! XD The two I have left are Interpreting Skills Theory Exam and Medical Interpreting Theory Exam. They're both only in English!!! XD
I got a new phone today (Motorola K1 and it was on sale XD), but I think it's broken. >.< The backlight doesn't turn on, so I can't see anything. Well, not exactly anything. It's really faint, but I can see a penguin jumping up and down when I turn it on. ^^' I called up Optus (my phone's service operator) and the guy said that I should take it back to the store. So that's what I'll be doing tomorrow. There's a good side to this though. *nods* I was trying to fix it and reading the instruction booklet, searching the net and I saw that it comes in blue! XD The store said they only have it in black or red, but I'm gonna try and make them get a blue one for me. I mean, it's the least they can do for selling me a broken phone, right?
Hm... I know I wanted to say something else... Oh! The reason I asked you guys about me swearing was coz I swore to AleXavier on MSN and he said that it caught him off guard. ^^' I only swear when I'm really upset or there's something incredibly funny... But that's still very rare. And AleXavier said something really funny. Anyway, I just wanted to know if that was the same for everyone else. ^^' That's all. ^^"""
And to finish the post off, here's the Sakura cosplay I want to make. This is so going to kill me, but will (hopefully) be worth it when it's done (if it ever gets done):

Thank you Darke for reminding me. ^^
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