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Tuesday, November 20, 2007
OMG! I'm posting already and it's only been 3 days!!! O.O
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I'm just here for a quick post to say two things: what happened with the phone and what an interpreting exam is.
First of all, Eternal Paradise, I couldn't check out the phone before I bought it coz it was in its box, which was sealed shut. And the phone wasn't charged, so I had to go home, charge the battery to find out that it was broken. >.< Anyway, I went back to the store and they gave me a new one. A black one coz they couldn't find a blue one anywhere in Australia. T.T Oh well, the black looks cool so it's fine. ^^ Although I can't help but feel the phone's wasted on me. I mean, I only call my mum to come pick me up from the station or something. ^^''' It's also strange coz I hate talking on the phone, but I like having a new one... Damn TV commercials and other marketing techniques. x.x
Ok, now to answer Magnus' question on interpreting exams. ^^
Interpreting is the spoken form of translations, and in my case it's between Japanese and English. (There are written exams, but that's on the worker's code of ethics and the theory of interpreting, which I'm being tested on tomorrow.) All Australian interpreting exams (that I know of) consists of these three modes on interpreting: Dialogue Interpreting, Sight Translation and Consecutive Interpreting. I'll just explain what my last interpreting exam consisted of, coz it's just easier that way. ^^'
Dialogue Interpreting: I had to listen to a conversation between two people. A Japanese speaking lady (my teacher) would ask a question while I take notes on what she just said. When the lady is done speaking, my teacher hits Pause. I say what the Japanese lady just said in English. My teacher hits Play. An English speaking lady answers the question while I take notes on what she just said. When this lady is done answering the question, my teacher hits Pause again. I say what the lady just said in Japanese. Repeat. And this goes on for the whole conversation, about 5~10 minutes. Note taking is an important skill in interpreting. It's so that you won't forget thinfs while interpreting. ^^'
Sight Translation: The teacher gives me a short paragraph in English. I'm given about 1 minute to read that paragraph, take any notes I want and to prepare myself. Then I say what it says in Japanese. Then my teacher gives me a new paragraph in English. I'm given about 1 minute to read that, take notes and prepare myself. Then I say this paragraph in Japanese.
Consecutive Interpreting: The teacher plays a speech of about 3 minutes in English, while I take notes on what was being said. When the speaker is done speaking, I say what was just said in Japanese while refering back to my notes. Then the teacher plays another 3 minute speech in Japanese, and I take notes. Then when the speech if done, I say the whole thing in English.
And all that takes about 30 minutes, in a room, alone with a teacher, while my voice is being recorded... It's very tiring. ^^" And I hope that you understood my explanation. I know I can be confusing. ^^"""

P.S. 9 more days until... something...
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