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Saturday, January 5, 2008
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Kya~! PhotoBucket's finally working! XD I don't know. It just stops working for me sometimes. T.T And I have so many pics to share with all of you! XD
That's why I don't have the post box up today. *nods* It's just better this way, rather than having to scroll to see the whole pic or to have links. ^^
Mum and I went to Coogee Beach on New Year's Eve. X3 It was very beautiful. XD It was very hot too. I got a bit of a tan on my arms. Uh... yeah just my arms. ^^" And face a bit too. ^^"

Mum went for a little walk, then came back with the following pic. She said told me to put it up on here. ^^"' That's me in the pic. As you can see, I was wearing jeans. I was seriously the only person wearing jeans there! O.o But then again, it was really hot... I just don't like wearing skirts too much. ^^' And that's why only my arms are tanned!

Anyway, we were apparently sitting too close to where the fireworks were going to be held, so we had to move. T.T We sat next to this huge group of people. So many little kids. @.@ Anyway, this lady was really funny. XD That's a Provisional Licence. (the green P) So apparently she's not allowed to go any faster than 100km/hr! XD

There was this little boy in that group and he was so cute! He had this toy metal detector. X3 I don't think he knew what it was for though. He had this ball of aluminium foil, threw it, went to it and put the detector over so that it beeped. ^^" BUT when he was eating his dinner, the metal detector in his hand started beeping! XD He actually found something burried in the grass! But since the kid didn't know why it was beeping, he ran off after he finished eating...
Anyway! The night view of Coogee Beach.

The best pic of the 9:30pm fireworks. X3 I took a lot, but they didn't turn out that nice. T.T That's even though I used the firework setting on the camera. T.T

After that, mum and I decided to go home. Luna (my cat) was home alone, and she hates fireworks. So we thought it'd be best if we were home for midnight. ^^' She's stressed a lot these days as it is, so we didn't want her to feel worse. ^^
I took this pic on the way home from the car. They're the two clock towers at Broadway. (yes, we have a Broadway here too. ^^') Apparently it was already midnight on one side of Sydney! XD

Our neighbours were doing some fireworks in their yard! (which is illegal. *cough*) And the next day, I heard that another nighbour's dog ran away coz he got scared of the fireworks. He came back the nex day though. ^^ Anyway, I read on the news later that run-away dogs were common that night coz of all the illegal fireworks. T.T Some found their homes, some didn't. T.T
Pets weren't the only victims that night. ^^" Bat's had it rough too. Especially the ones that live near the Harbour Bridge! Every year, you can see a few of them flying across the TV screen in a state of panic. XD I'll try to get pics of that for you. ^^
In the meantime, here's a pic mum took from the TV. X3

As you know, I slept at 6am that night coz of the coffee. ^^" Then mum woke me up at 9am to go to Manly Beach with that family and the boys that didn't know anime. The father didn't come! Phew. ^^" We took the ferry to Manly Beach. And I had to have two cups of coffee to keep me awake during the day. ^^"

They were filming Surf Patrol! XD

We also saw a lizard! I don't know what it's called though. T.T Um... uh... how about Lizzy? XD

I got tanned in my arms again. ^^"
Since I couldn't sleep much, I ended up watching a lot of TV. ^^" I saw the new year celebrations of:
Hong Kong
Taiwan (yes, I know that's a country and not a city. but they didn't say which city. T.T)
Morocco (yeah yeah city again, I know)
New York
Rio de Janeiro
That's the order I saw it in, not the order of time zones. ^^" Anyway, the best was London. *nods* Definitely. Sydney's was impressive and all... But London's fireworks were just the prettiest. X3
Today was the first day of the Sydney Festival. X3 My family, that other family and a bunch of my cousin's friends all went. ^^ We were 19 people in total. It was raining a lot though. T.T We still saw two out door concerts. But the thing is, when the concerts started, the rain would stop! XD Here's the first one. The girl in purple is Maya Jupiter, one of Australia's first female hip hop artist. ^^ Also a very famous radio and TV presenter. X3

Oh this was so cute! There's this TV commercial where an ATM machine rips itself out of a wall and follows this guy around. And then a voice says something like "With 500 new ATMs around the city, you'd think they're following you around." And it was! XD

Here's the second concert we went to. It was by a group called... Sydney Youth Concert... or something like that. ^^" All the songs played/sang was by kids ages 5~17!!! They were all so good! XD It was amazing! And the host for this concert was Maya Jupiter, again. ^^ (in the blue-ish dress)

Then all 19 of us went out to Thai food... And now I'm home! Oh wait! Here's a pic from the train ride home. They're my cousin's two adorabe kids! The boy's 4 years old. The girl's one year old. She was born on the same day as me! XD We're exactly 20 years apart. XD Aren't they just adorable? XD

Ok that's it! I hope you enjoyed the pics. X3 I sure enjoyed taking them. XD

P.S. Anyone want to spend summer over here now? X3
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