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Wednesday, July 11, 2007
currently watching: courage the cowardly dog
WATCHING?! it had to happen. i'm actually rewatching the episode "the last of the starmakers" ;o; it makes me cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and laugh because it's funny when the swat guys are all flossing their teeth instead of guarding. and when eustace's money was actually experimental rocket fuel! that made me giggle a lot. but it was prolly the saddest episode in the whole series, along with rememberance of courage's past. ;ooooo;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to me, at least. if for some CRAZYHYSTERICALDUMBWEIRD reason you have NEVER seen this series, DO WATCH IT!! it's my favourite animated anything i have ever watched. EVER. ^ ^ i've seen every episode at least twice. but now they're coming out with a fifth season this summer! i'm so excited!! -FREAKSOUT?!?!!-
i'm so hyped up todays. I'MGANNASEEHARRYPAHTAAATHEESAFTERNOOOOON. yup. i know, worst time to EVER see a major blockbuster. on opening day at about...3-4 in the afternoon. -nods- well, i guess friday night at around 5-7 would be the WORST time. thank the lordy that's not the case! 8D i wanted to see the midnight showing but there were a lot of reasons we couldn't see it. so that made me sad, but to make up for it we're going to see it with our family friends the powes! well, actually only morgan and amanda because they're harry pottah freaks. hee...8D they'd be really mad at me if they saw i called 'em freaks. HURRRRR.....hur.
umm, lessee. i cannot draw a charging rhino. CANNOT. it's very hard because it looks like the rhino is just walking. AND PROPORTIONS?! they're hard too. so i need a new rock animal! serious animal, not like a pet rock or a rock squirrel. or maybe...maybe a giant mutant rock squirrel would work...anyway, suggestions? anyone? anyone? bueller....beeeeeuuuuller??? heeee...X3 i love that movie.
oh! that brings me to a compressed rant. i compressed it because i would talk to much if i didn't. YAY COMPACT? i like compact cars. they're nice.
so! this is the comments rant. i think i might've done it a'for, but i am not sure..well. it feels like that with this new art-stalking power that we were all permitted as well as our good old friends list, i have actually gotten less feedback from friends lately. it's very odd, from my standpoint at least. i actually have a sort of theory that developed from it. comparison time!
it's like when you realize that your neighbor, who we will dub fargus, has a brand spankin' new puppy named archibald! you look in sadness and realize that you want a pupper too, after seeing fargus have the time of his life playing in the frontyard with archibald. so you go inside and search online about different puppies. from what you see, they're very very cute! you just want one of your own SO BAD that you go and ask your mum or guardian that you must have a puppy. she says no. so you go emo in your room for your while just lookin' at puppers online and wanting one for yourself. so after asking mum/guardian multiple times, you finally get her to pry out yes! but she warns you of all the responsibilities of the doggy. you brush it off as trying to be manipulated out of getting one. so you go to the pet store and get your own little pupperdog, who we will call scotty. you take scotty home, and he is very very fun to play with the first day. but then after a few weeks, you don't cherish the time you have with scotty! you think of playing with him as something you could always do another time, or feeding him becomes a chore because you feel like it's just so boring after you've spent so much time with him.
YAP. i'm scotty and you are the secondary-POV story star who remains nameless for some reason. people who can only spend so much time with something they like begin to not cherish that feeling when they're able to have unlimited access to whatever it is they like. so i'm guessing that's the case! it's just like another everyday thing now.
i mean, COME ON. on my "trees & mud" picture, i got 55 VOTES and 9 FREAKING COMMENTS!?!!!?! IT'S CRAZY!
AUGHI'MSOSADNOW. hee, just kidding. but seriously, i feel like i've gotten a little less attention for some odd reason after we got these new stalker options! not everyone is being like how i described though, and you know who you are. so this is a public service announcement in disguise? maybe so.
but i just wanted to rant too. <3 RAAAAAAAAAAAANT. so i'm going to go draw a little and watch CtCD, if you know what that stands for. :B -looks up-
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