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myOtaku.com: Raindrop23

Friday, August 18, 2006

   Currently Listening: Carribean Blue by Enya
Oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lack of updates~!!!! ToT I'm sorry for everyone that is mad at me. I mean, really. You know that deep, deep, deeeeeep in the back of your brain in the tiniest corner of your file cabinet, you are a bit mad.

-gets shot-

Squirrel Army: CHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! -revive-

Yay! Okay. Swimming es MUY bien!!! I am actually having fun now~~ Got to play water polo today. It was FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN but my team lost. Because one of our players held the ball with 2 hands instead of 1. GRRRRRRRR.

Anywho. Life's grander than usual. Except for the fact that I'm 2nd chair in Orchestra. TT.TT I play badly, that's why that Brianna girl is first. Wah......I suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. -mopes-

Got the 4th Inuyasha movie today too! :3 I luff you again, Mum~! Now if only if I can get the E's Otherwise DVDs....

...Speaking of E's Otherwise, why isn't that series popular?!?! It's a GREAT series. :O But I don't see any fics on FF.net or a section here on theO or ANYTHING. Rawr!!! It's like no one knows it EXISTS except for me. :P

...I would do another character bio (Xilia's), but I'm going to go watch America's Funniest Videos with Dad. :) Luffs for all, and to all a good day! OwO

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