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myOtaku.com: Raine-san

Wednesday, March 9, 2005

What are you telling ME for?
Yukino: *crying* I'm gonna be number two for my whole life! Dammit! <--Has been number two for the entire senior year
Soirchiro: I don't think so... *sweat-drop*
Yukino: You can't make it through this world on good grades alone! To survive, you have to be cunning, be able to outwit other people, and have the talent to take advantage of other people's weaknesses! And when it comes to that, I am invincible!
Soirchiro: What are you telling ME for? Hrm... ��

That was from the 13th volume of Kare Kano. It's a lot funnier with the pictures, though. But still funny, right? XD

Okay, this time I SWEAR I will not touch the background of my site. Besides, I finally found a background where you can SEE the text... >_>;;

This time, the wallpaper features the many faces of Yukino Miyazawa! Um...yeah.

What else...my friend figured out who I like...even though she doesn't know the guy (he was on the Honor Roll listing, so she figured it out)...

Hmm....I realized how much I can relate to the Kare Kano characters...that's why I like it...

Well, none of you would understand what I meant unless you actually read the Kare Kano series (around where Rika, Aya, Tsubaki, and Tsubasa appear...)...so, yeah. That's all, I guess...

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