Ed the Great (04/17/06)
well hello there^^
(and thanx for siging my gb, thats kind of ya)
hey!!! im a big kakashi fan too!!
you like alot of stuff i do like Tales of Symphonia and we love kakashi!!!!!!!!
KAKASHI-KUN *huggles him*
let...me guess u have a kakashi plushie too...and a key chain...if you do..
that would be GREAT! cause i have them too..^^
ill be adding u as a friend^^
till next time!
animelover1228 (04/17/06)
I am so happy I found your site!Not only does your site rock but your a
Kakashi lover!I am a huge Fan of Naruto too!Well,hope to see you around.I'll add you as a friend.SEE YA!
charr (04/16/06)
Hello, Thanks for signing my guest book. You really love Kakashi huh? I applaud you, he's deffinately the coolest character on the show. I'm not a rival, just think of me as a fellow inthusiest( i think i spelled that wrong) but anyways thanks for stopping by my site and signing my guest book!
KakashiZoro (04/16/06)
I love yor site and I got all the sam things on all of those quizes!I'll add you as a friend and thanks for all the stuuf on my site!
KungPowChicken (04/16/06)
thanx 4 commenting and (if u didn't vote thats ok) on my easter picture
i also check out ur art its kule
well im gonna add u hope u do the same
Animelover1392 (04/15/06)
hey cool site nice bg too l8ters :)
sasukegirl123 (04/14/06)
I love you site, It goes not sux it is better than mine~*~ ^-^ well cya
KyuubiKhaos (04/13/06)
holy crap! ur site friggin' rocks! another Naruto fanatic. sweet!(ninjas unite!) thnx for signing my gb and i'll add u as a friend. later!
sharky (04/05/06)
Awsome site Dude!!!!^.^
blu cherry22 (04/04/06)
hey, what a neat site you have here, and kakashi is soooo sexy. ima gonna add u kewl dude. later