For those little people who say my new page of my manga. It was a mistake. XD!!!!
I must have put in the wrong file!
For those who didnt see it...
tank god... I was so emmberresed when i saw that!!!! lol. Well...i do have a file to put up. lets hope i can fix this!
Please everyone forget the page ><' It was somethin i made a few months ago in paint...XD
Some people know that my mother is going coocoo. -_-'
Shes not really coocoo...just so lonley when my dads at work and me and my sis are at school.
Although. She thinks they are going to get her. (who ever 'they' are.) This happaned after my grandparents were murdered too, it went away tho. but now i think its worse.
Today she tried to call our school to say "I want my kids home because there aunt died" So, yeah. Me and my sister refused to go home for such a lie! soo...the school wondered whats up.
Instead of going home...they consulted me,my sister kailie, and my mom to the consler...(sp?)
They think that my moms Nuts...as in...going to kill everything or somethin... but....shes just lonley..-_-' Now, that They think that, they may put me and my sis in a foster home......
I found an icon.
on photobucket.
It says "Kakashi HATES fanfiction!"
And it shows him pissed.
The sad thing is....
I have a FAN fiction.
Frankly...i have had the idea since 12/07/05
It's 11:34 Eastern time.
eh...kinda late.
I Am on my 2nd book of the fanfic of mine.
I am DEFFN too shy to put it on here so dont ask.
I only write in it when i get free time.
And Trust me...with a person with no life...
I should have like...forever.... ^-^
although...my sis...my mother and father, have no idea that i hav "Naruto_4_Real. As I call it.
I think i have talked about My fan fic b4
Its 10:54 on the east coast right now.
So. Its...7:54 on the pacific.
XD Damn i am up early. lol
i am hungry.........!!
Its NOT sunday. >< NO!!!!!! *dies*
Quickly! To the Mall!
Since the 'after turkey day sale' its like realll packed.
I left at 6:00AM To get there and didnt go to the mall until 8:00. I Walked around with my friend michelle. I bought a pack of kakashi gum!
I am gonna save it ^_^! Never eat it! (CHA!)
I opened it though. Its tangurine...(SP?) ....in other words...orange. XD
I also bought another kakashi pillow.
I almost drooled in the store when i saw him on a pen!
lol...well after 'Hot topic' i went to 'Waldon books' Thats were i buy all my manga.
Apperntly The Naruto 11's havent come in yet since the hoilday was here. (yea right -_-)
I was pissed then broswed around for a new series to start. I picked one. 'Konjiki no Gash bell!'
Sound familler? (sp again lol)
Yep. Thats right. 'Zatch bell'
wasnt that hard to guess it.
ether way....-_-' I have seen all the epiodes for it. Though, I will always remain a naruto fan ^^
Happy thanksgiving. I ate around 9am
lol. Its supposed to be a dinner lunch kinda thing. and i ate my turkey at 9. LOL!
Other then that. I had to go to my grandma's house... My Aunt gave me a Gackt CD.
Its nice. Though the concerts are very YAOI.
UGH.. -__- i HATE Yaoi. >____< Though. Most of you know that. (THE DAMN BITCHS TURNED MY KAKASHI GAY!!!)And, Thats why i hate it. Other then that....-_- I lov the song called "Vanilla" That they made. Very nice. -^_^- other then that...yea...I gotta go. I is starving. ^^
some Info on Asuma (spoilers) Very short 2.
Did you know that asuma was related to the 3rd hokage?
Thats his father!! O_O!! I didnt even know it till now.
and Konohamaru is his nephew!
O_O?!!!! LOL!!!
also. In part 2 of the series. he is dead.
thats....really sad cause me and my cusins called him "Bent-cig" XD because when he was first released in the series. He had a bent cigarate.
lol....well...Asuma...we shall miss ya...
I was going to upload the new Christmas picture i drew today. First, I was going to color it on paint. then...upload it. But, while i was looking for my pictue. MY ASS-WHOLE of a dad threw it away!!!! Thank god its just badliy crumpled.