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Sunday, March 19, 2006
Sundays suck! sooooo boring!
and also another day before school......hmm...
i wanna go on spring break. but 2-marrow i gots a choir thing. ugg... i am a surpraino and...ok there are 3 groups in our choir 1.Surprainos (right side of room) 2.Altos (middle) 3.Boys (left side) thats the thing ok? and theres this girl named mirriah...she is near me! i mean! shes not supposed to be! shes a alto! but shes near me!
I am a surpraino! she ruins our choir! its not her..its her voice shes always off tune! it drives me up the wall!!! >.
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
another saturday...
I dont like saturdays anymore...nothing in my life is nice anymore....i wish naruto came on again....this is going to be a LONG week T^T!!
I hate my life!!!!!!! its going to be aleast 3 weeks before naruto comes on again.
The Kakashi FAN
Raine puppy
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Friday, March 17, 2006

Blonde cat: I see you!!!!!
Silver cat: Yeah! cat me some cat-nip or no picnic food for you!
That was soo random!
The Kakashi FAN
Raine puppy
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
I Drew a pic of a kakashi chibi on paint!!!
Hes soo kawaii!!! i am gonna put him on there today but wait 48 hours...for it to show up...still....if u wanna see him first before hes on here email me...or IM or...maybe privite message? idk what ever floats ur boat. Ok...i should go now but he is adorable!
The Kakashi FAN
Raine puppy
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
I was at school right...and my princepal told me and my best friend ashley to go eat lunch out in the hall...because of stupid random crap...anyways my friend ashley and i were sitting next to each other IN THE HALLWAY...when he told us to spread out..Ashley moved across the hall...still close too. And the funny part was my friend ash, called our princepal "baldo" XD
Also I will just call him mr.C (princepal)
Well...he and this fat chick were walking around the corner and he says "these two voluntered for this kind of lunch" *walks around corner of hall*
Then...my friend ash yells out as soon as he goes around the corner I mean she yelled it!! She said this! "THIS FOOD TASTE LIKE CRAP!" ^-^!!! I swear i almost p**** myself!!! XD
The Kakashi FAN
Raine puppy
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Random....yet funny post!

Kakashi: ahem...ok class what do these look like?
Naruto: WAH?! *OHH!!! I KNOW THERE BALLS!!!!

Kakashi: *looks at bells* Um..no there uh....bells

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You guys!
You guys are gonna like this!!! I just put up my pictures of kakashi (i drew that at school) and my naruto one! (Also at school in art.) Theres just one thing...I had to make it a little smaller in the kakashi one so...his name might be alittle cut off....so yeah....well...i guess i g2g
The Kakashi FAN
Raine puppy
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Monday, March 13, 2006
Sorry guys...my pic wont load....i will try again t-marrow or later tonight...so dont worry! it will be up soon! Believe it!
The Kakashi FAN
Raine puppy
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Sunday, March 12, 2006
Naruto drawing!
I'm drawing a pic of naruto and his night cap thingy...so far it looks really good!
I think t-marrow i will color and stick it on here!!! Rate it please!!!
The Kakashi FAN
Raine puppy
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Hottie Alert! If u like these....tell me!

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