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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Fangirls....part 2!!
Kakashi: grr....at least they dont follow me into the bathroom...*walks into town*
fangirl kiki: What are you doing? Kakashi: er....reading? Fangirl Sam: Whose he?
Kakashi: huh? *looks up* Gai: hahaha!!! I see we meet again!!! Fangirl Sam: Wow...you are ugly... *Gais eyes get watery*
Fangirl Kiki: No wonder kakashi is ur rival! are u battling for brains or looks? Because if u r...kakashi won both.
*Gai runs off crying* Fangirl Kiki: was that TOO rude? Kakashi: nope...he's fine he'll get over it! XD
P.S Sorry to all the gai-sensei fans....
The Kakashi FAN
Raine puppy
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Monday, February 20, 2006
The Short story of fangirls...
The story starts when sqaud 7 was with tzuna, they had just found zabuza...
Kakashi: Well....if it isnt momochi zabuza...
Naruto: Ready.....steady....go! *Kakashi holds naruto back* Kakashi: Dont interfear...give me room. *just about to pull out sharingan* Naruto: Hmf!
Fangirls: wow!!! I bet u look even hotter with ur headband up!!!! inner Kakashi: Why dont they leave me ALONE?! Zabuza: Well? ....uh....Crap! now i forgot my line!!! who the hell are those people?! Kakashi: Long story.....
Naruto:Why dont i have many people following me?!Sakura:Me too?! Kakashi: ok...we all know u guys have fans to right??? Fangirls: no.... Sasuke: ..... -_-
P.S I had fun with this short story...
The Kakashi FAN
Raine puppy
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Were about to go get my kitten tiny from the vet. We were supposed to get him at 11:00 but he was still sleeping. so they want us to get him at 3:00 now...so...my moms gonna call him and see if we can see him....its been 9 hours.........so....i gotta go now!
The Kakashi FAN
Raine puppy
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Sunday, February 19, 2006
Dance!!! DANCE!!!! XD!

Dosnt he look cute?
Naruto go go!!!
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Saturday, February 18, 2006
Aw...arnt they Kawaii?

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Friday, February 17, 2006
Desperate For naruto....Sorry guys
This is true....ok? My dad wanted me to go to a party on saturday...i said fine...then i asked what time he said 8:00 Of...course naruto comes on a 9:00 Eastern time. I told my dad never am i gonna miss a episode of naruto! He said ur going...I was P.O. I made him a deal...I told him I would miss the party to see naruto and Exchange...i would give up my computer Privileges...for 2 weeks.......this sux...sorry guys i wont c u for 2 weeks...unless i get on at school....so goodbye
The Kakashi FAN
Raine puppy
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
Funny Argument.....
Me and my friend online where having a arrgument...kinda......(I met her online)well she asked me do u know why kakashi got a sharingan? I said yea kinda...then shes like how? I said. "Because his bff obito or however u say his name. well anyway he died and gave his eye to kakashi why rin helped implant it" Then she says...Obito and kakashi were friends... Then i said "yeah...but why?" Shes says what do u mean why?! Obito died that day! I was like "yeah...but still is it his keepsake or something? she says "no!!! Kakashi Lost his left eye to a kunai knife!" *i knew this of course but she left before i could say anything....Then after she leaves....i say "ewwwww......"
The Kakashi FAN
Raine puppy
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Rosa parks....
2-day at school....we had to go online and check things out for black history month...i got stuck with the easiest person! Rosa Parks...
Well....I am not a colored personn my skin is peach...although...i know alot about rosa now..since the internet.....but i do feel sorry for her when her husband died in 1977. still.......I g2g now......laterz!
The Kakashi FAN
Raine puppy
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Last night i was Watching americas funnist home-vidios....there was this girl on there right? and she had a doll that cryed...now the person that annoced the show was like "parent hood comes early for girls..." Then the baby doll started to cry and she says "shhhh" *sticks back in crib" The doll starts crying AGAIN...And she was like "SHHHH!" And the annocer dude was like "unforuntly So does the need for piece and quiet...." The baby started to cry again and shes like "MOMMY! THIS DOLL WONT SHUT UP!!!" Then its starts to cry...and she picks it up and says...SHUT UP!!!!!!!
The Kakashi FAN
Raine puppy
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