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myOtaku.com: Raine puppy

Monday, November 6, 2006

   Signiture F***-ups. ^^'
Ok, Everyone knows ....well..who knows me...knows that (There are way to many "Knows" in that sentince?) Yes, but anyways i have "The Kakashi FAN" as my signiture.
I use it in EVERYTHING.
Guestbook,post,occupation entrys u name it!
hehe the funny part is even tho i am an expert typier in school, i f*** up alot on both my sigs XD (its probably cause i type so fast *_*')

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heres some of the recent 1's: Of The Kakashi FAN

1.The Kakassi FAN
2.The Kakahsi FAN
3. PANCAKES! (lol)

Now of my MUN (Myotaku username)
1. Raine putty
2. Raine pupptt
3. Raion Pyppu

lol this is weird huh...?

The Kakashi FAN*
Raine puppy

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