Wednesday, November 8, 2006
FAN Manga. lol
as u can see the title,
i hav it called "FAN" as it is in my signiture.
well... when i updated my older comics, some ppl said it shouldnt be place in "fanart" It should be in "Fan Manga" ether way...i can`t decide if i reeeeealy wanna put 'My best friend is my plushie' In FAN manga. because,...well...
the art sucks...and some ppl on here are cruel...
to that kind of stuff... ( i CAN make the art better if i really tried. XD)
and for the other reason...
A manga. For it to really be called a manga. (to me at least n e way..)
Needs to have a thing, in which the main
charictar(s) have to chase or, want to achive somethin. In thee end of this. to come to the point, The Main person(s) ether finds what they are lookin for, or they dont. Thats just it.
Pretty much, They need something to keep the story going...unlike my regular stupid comics that are just random. and dont follow a story at all...
but may b ^^....if u ppl promise to see it.
I WILL draw somethin for FAN manga. lol XD
Maybe the same story lines and ppl. but it will b manga, not a stupid comic.
still decideing...
The Kakashi FAN
Raine puppy
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