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myOtaku.com: Raine puppy

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Some people know that my mother is going coocoo. -_-'

Shes not really coocoo...just so lonley when my dads at work and me and my sis are at school.
Although. She thinks they are going to get her. (who ever 'they' are.) This happaned after my grandparents were murdered too, it went away tho. but now i think its worse.

Today she tried to call our school to say "I want my kids home because there aunt died" So, yeah. Me and my sister refused to go home for such a lie! soo...the school wondered whats up.

Instead of going home...they consulted me,my sister kailie, and my mom to the consler...(sp?)
They think that my moms Nuts...as in...going to kill everything or somethin... but....shes just lonley..-_-' Now, that They think that, they may put me and my sis in a foster home......


The Kakashi FAN
Raine puppy

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