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The middle of nowhere, Iowa
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I go by many names, but you can call me Shenron
Standing my parents for 4 years of my life, and being able to play bass quitar well
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Yami no Matsuei, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto Shippuden, sukisyo, and The Wallflower
Goals...I don't really have any. I just go with what I'm handed.
Sports, hanging with friends, playing playstation, and playing bass guitar
Aren't achievements and talents the same thing?
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Wednesday, November 2, 2005
The exciting day
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Yoha friends and random other people! I'm in a really happy mood today! XD I love my friends! You all rock! XD I mean it! I love you guys! In a friend like way that is. Anyway, so I definately have a story about today, but first, what happened today and yesterday! Get ready for this, the story will be the last para, so you just choose if you want to read or not, but anyway, on with my day!
Yesterday was our first day back after our break cause we had halloween off. YES! Anyway, I had only gotten 3 hours of sleep, so I went to school really hyper, cause if I don't get enough sleep, I either get grouchy or really hyper. XD So it was an interesting day to say the least, but nothing exciting happened! Grr...Thats all right, all the exciting junk happened today.
Last night I got two hours of sleep, and I'm just as hyper. And thus, the reason it was an exciting day begins. So today we got egg and sausage sandwiches for breakfast at school, cause I don't get up early enough to eat at home, that was exciting! XD So then, I had alot of homework that I didn't do, and it was an early Dismissal day, so we got out two hours early! YES! Anyway, none of the teachers asked for the homework, and I even spent all last night on it, and still didn't get it done! It was freakin exciting!
SO lunch finally came, cause the high school eats lunch after all the classes, and you can choose to leave then, or stay, well I had to stay, but it was a fun time! Charles is my new bestest friend cause I stole his CD player, but it was running out of batteries, so I asked him for more, he didn't take it back, he just changed the batteries and handed it back, it was weird, but I LOVE this CD. Coal Chambers. They are awsome! And then, tonight I get to babysit this cute little 1 year old! XD SQEE! (Sorry, I stole your word Athena)
So other than that, this is my only other news, this is my favorite face today--> XD and I want to know what you think of the changes. Aight, so thats my day, I'll visit everyone today, the second to last time I posted, cause I have early D, so SEE YA! ^_^
Comments (9) |
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Hey, sorry, but I can't visit anyone today, I'm just on to change a few things, and then I'll be back off. So I'll SEE YA!
Comments (7) |
Monday, October 31, 2005
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Pic of the day:

Meet the Goths from Gothic Potter
Yoha! Sorry I didn't come on Sunday like I said I would, but I was busy. Aight, so the party on Friday I never went to, but I went to the Saterday one, and the Sunday one. It was a blast! And now today, on halloween, I get the day off of school! YES! So ya, I'm going to be lazy and play video games all day. YES THE LAZYNESS! ^_^
So ya, anyway, at the one on Saterday, we went to the mall, and they didn't have what I wanted, but oh well, it was a fun time. And on SUnday, we went to a country club, and that was wicked fun. So ya, it was a fun time this weekend, but now, I still have to do my homework. -.-' gr.
Today is Halloween, today is halloween! Woot! I love halloween! And its the last day of this layout, so say good-bye! ^_^ Anyway, thats all I got for today, I think, so I'll SEE YA!
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Thursday, October 27, 2005
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Pic of the day:

Yoha peoples young and older. How are ya'lls? I'm ok, I have a headache, but thats about it. Anyway, today is thursday, normally I would be living at the school, but, ALL MY ACTIVITIES ARE OVER! HECK YES! ^_^ I'm happy, cause now I get pizza! Yummy yummy in my tummy! Pizza pizza! Aight, enough of that, lets see, what have I been up to these past three days?
Well, Wesley changed his party to Friday, which I'm mad about, cause now I have to ask my mother and worry about it tonight. Gr. Aight, so ya, there is that, and then theres the party I have to go to on Saterday, and then on thats on Sunday. I get the actual halloween day off. From school and everything! YES! So ya, thats my outlook for the next three days.
Aight, so Wednesday was a boring day were nothing special happened, and Tuesday, I was alittle depressed, but I'm better now, so its all good! Anyway, I think thats all I got for ya. Wow, not much has been going on, except I got three more pictures done. Unfortunately I don't have a scanner. Gosh darnit. Oh well.
Aight, so thats all for today, and the next time I post will be...Sunday. Aight, so I'll go and visit ya'lls sites, then I'll see ya on Sunday! Aight, SEE YA! ^_^
Comments (11) |
Monday, October 24, 2005
The day
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Pic of the day:

Yoha guys and gals, how are ya'll? Well, I'm in the kitchen, and the computer is in the living room, but I have one of those cordless computers, so its fun to be in a different room with the keyboard. ^_^ I hope I dn't have any spellin errors. Anyway, I'm eatin a chili dog, and that why I'm in the kitchen, its really good too! Mmmm. And I have my friend Nicole over too! ^_^
So my borhter is also playing his trumpet right now, and it hurts my ears, cause hes not that good, cause he just started. It really interesting. Anyway, hes laughing and playing it at the same time. Its really weird. Oh! We got a day off in band today! I was happy@ I got to finish my homework in band instead of playing or being in the cold outside. Only in Iowa can it be warm enough to wear a t-shirt one day, then the next day have to wear two sweaters, and expect the grass to be wet, but its actually frosted over. Winters here, and it looks like a cold one.
Raven says hi. I love my little black kitty! Hes so cute! Even though hes a year old, can open doors by the door knob, and is tall enough on his hind legs to touch my stomache, hes so adorable! He also eats everything you put infront of him. Anyway, the reason I tell you this is he has to go to the vet soon. MY POOR KITTY! Having to go to vet! T.T
Anyway, today was a pretty good day, oh, and I didn't get on yesterday other than at midnight cause I was sleeping, then the four members of the colorguard that weren't seniors made presents for the six seniors. We didn't give it to them today, cause one of them wasn't there. Oh well, we'll get them one of these days! ^_^
Anyway, I think thats all I got. SO I'll SEE YA!
Comments (10) |
Sunday, October 23, 2005
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Pic of the day:

Ok, so its 12:00 am! YES! I love the night life! Anyway, I'm going to stay up until Inuyasha's comeing on again, and thats how late I'll be up! No sleeping for me! WOOT! So I'm drawing another picture, and I'm really wishing I had a scanner. But I don't. GAH! The evil parental units and not letting me get anything to my computer cause they hate me and everything in the world.
I should probably be excersising for softball season. Ya, I know, its the winter, but I'm not very good at Basket-ball, and I can feel myself getting out of shape. I need to make a scedule for when I can work out. -.-' Oh well, I'll do that when I make my freport for the West Nile tomorrow. Thats my plans for today, my West Nile poster and report. So much fun in one day, how will I ever bear the excitement?
Anyway, I didn't get to go to the haunted house, my mom hurt her ancle, so I had to stay home to help her with the three boys that were here. Bummer. I really wanted to go too! Oh well, its past. I will survive. Anyway, ya, so basically, all I did today was babysit three brats, and draw, and I'm actually not done with it. Its strange.
Anyway, so ya, my eye is getting better! YAY! I can't wait to get this thing off of it! ^_^ So ya, I can't wait! Anyway, I'm going to go, SEE YA! ^_^
Comments (6) |
Saturday, October 22, 2005
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Yoha guys! I'm so sad. The last band thing was yesterday. Our last home football game. Man that went by fast! Oh well, I'll see everyone for the nest two weeks, but then they'll all be gone, cause we get our new schedules. How sad. T.T anyway, ya, thats where I was yesterday. We made a cake for all the seniors. The colorguard that is, and it was so much fun! I also got locked out of my house. So that was an adventure! ^_^
Today the plan is to go to haunted houses. Me, Amber, and like two others. It'll be a blast! And I finally got to sleep in on a saterday! YES!
Tonight is anime night! Finally I get to watch Naruto, I haven't seen it for two saterdays! I can't believe it! And I get to see inuyasha, and full metal! I can't wait! ^_^ Anyway, I got nothin more, SEE YA! ^_^
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Thursday, October 20, 2005
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Pic of the day:

Yoha guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I'm trying to cut on my computer time! Anyway, today was ok, and our afternoon rehersal tonight for band consists of, decorating the band room, eating pizza and drinking pop. And guess what? WE AREN'T ALLOWED TO EAT OR DRINK IN THE BAND ROOM! This is exciting! ^_^ So ya, thats whats going on for my day of living at school!
Oh! I hurt my eye too! So now I'm wearing this weird thing over my eye so I don't touch it! Its crazy! And my eye itches, and hurts, and I just want to scratch it, but then it'll hurt more, and I'll get in trouble cause the doctor told me not to. Anyway, the drawing is going good! I'm almost finished with a picture! If only I had a scanner. -.-' Oh well, I'll live!
So ya, I had better hurry this up, cause I have to leave in an hour and I want to get to everyones sites! SEE YA! ^_^
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Monday, October 17, 2005
Thought process
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Pic of the day:

Yoha guys and gals. How are you all doin on this wonderful day? Today was a thoughtful day for me. Everything in the world I questioned, and I still feel that way. Its a different sortof feeling. Anyway, Today was relitively uneventful except for out stupid band teacher. Ok, put in a person, who never cry's when confronted with a problem, and then put them as drum Major with Mr. Henderson. I garrantee, that they're going to start crying and hate him. Thats what happened today.
Our drum Major is a nice person, but put her next to our shovanistic, egotistical, selfconiving bastard of a Band teacher, (sorry for cussing) and she is a pile of crap, just like the rest of us. I mean seriously, he is so.....GAH! Ok, I'm done. So other than that, today was actually a day where I could just relax. It was wonderful. I got to read my Fb books again! i haven't got to read them for the longest time! It was wonderful.
Anyway, tomorrow is my last day of drivers ed! YES! And since I'm passing, thats even better! ^_^ So ya, I'm in a really good mood right now! I think I'll start drawing again tonight, my sketch book is starting to get dusty. Anyway, thats my plans for tonight, draw. What a wonderful thing! I'm finding myself wanting to be bored...its interesting. Anyway, I'll SEE YA!
Comments (5) |
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Hey Hey!
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Pic of the day:

Yoha batman and superman people! How are ya guys? Guess what! Today theme is Full Metal Alchemist! Yes, Saterday theme. Today was fun. Woot! I can't wait for halloween, what I'm going to do, I don't know. I've been invited to like three halloween parties, It will be interesting. Oh well, I will survive!
Anyway, yesterday and today was so fun! Me and my friend Athena stayed up all night with her grandma, it was so much fun! We played skip-bo, and watched a butt load of movies! And not to mention the amount of junk food we got to eat! We also got to watch her little baby cousin too! Vinny is so cute! ^_^ Hes about four months old, but hes so cute! And he liked me alot. It was a fun time! Athenas grandma is awsome!
Well, my days will be slowing down thank goodness. No more colorguard, just one last football perfomance, yes. And just one more Drivers Ed class to go as well. Oh! Our school band now has a mascot and a manager, thanks to me! Not really, Its just a joke that Tristan and I made up. This guy named Joe, who is shorter than me by half an inch, is one of the band memebers boyfriend. So he comes to every football game. Well, Tristan and Joe were helping out, so Tristan said he was now the bands official manager, so I asked what Joe was, and he told me he was now the mascot. So its my job to find out what the moscot of the band is. Hm.
Anyway, I'm going to get goin, I am going to watch a movie with Nicole. The Amityville horror. ^_^ SQUEE! Anyway, ya, I'll talk to you guys later! SEE YA!
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