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The middle of nowhere, Iowa
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I go by many names, but you can call me Shenron
Standing my parents for 4 years of my life, and being able to play bass quitar well
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Yami no Matsuei, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto Shippuden, sukisyo, and The Wallflower
Goals...I don't really have any. I just go with what I'm handed.
Sports, hanging with friends, playing playstation, and playing bass guitar
Aren't achievements and talents the same thing?
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
Man I'm tired.
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Pic of the day:

Yoha anime lovers far and wide! How are ya? Sorry I haven't been on in a while, and I'm going to have to cut this post short, so let me just start with why I wasn't on. Thursday was the day I live at school, but good news is that my last Drivers Ed class is on Tuesday, and colorguard is officially OVER! YES! Ok, Friday I was at a football game, so I wasn't able to get on because we went into triple over time and won, and I had a compitition the next morning. And today I had to go to the compitition (we got the best rating you could get, and our guard was the best one there!) and I'm about to go clean out a basement. So If I don't make it to your site, I'm sorry! I'll be sure to get to it tomorrow! Anyway, I should go if I'm going to get to atleast some of your sites! SEE YA!
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
3 days! ^_^
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Pic of the day:

Yoha band haters and band lovers. How are ya'll? I'm not that bad! I read this manga today, I don't remember what it was called, its was Hot something. I'll figure it out. But anyway, it was really good! Even though it was the fifth book...cough cough. It was really good, and I want to read more, but its my friends and she let Kat borrow it, but My friend, Amanda, won't let me read it until I read the first one, so I read part of the fifth behind her back...oops! ^_^ So ya, I really need to get that book somehow.
Anyway, today we only had three of our classes because of the tests, and we are having the other three tomorrow. The tests are tiring though, man I hate them. -_-' but ya, other than that, theres not much else to today, but good news, I had band today, which means I won't have it tomorrow! NO EARLY MORNING PRACTICE! YES! XD THats exciting! I can't wait for it! XD
Anyway, on to my next random subject, I'll be putting up a different image for halloween every day as my bg for this, but I don't know whether I should post the pick with it to show what it is, as well as use it as my posts bg, or to just put it as the post bg. I'm going to post the pic for today, so can you tell me which idea you like better? That would help alot! Thank you all!
Anyway, tonight I'm going to go to a bon fire. Its going to be fun! I will be fun! I will make sure of that! Anyway, ya, its for the church. -.-' I sometimes hate to go there, it gets me thinking, and then I get depressed, but the next day I'm cheerful again, because I can't help it.
Sometimes I feel like I'm carrying so many people, and I just want them to be happy. So I feel like when I'm not happy, I'm disappointing them, and making them sad, but, sometimes, I just want to be sad, and I know I can't.
Sorry about that, I have three reports to do, so I should probably go do research on them. West Nile, The Mind of a Serial Killer, and The effects of Alcohol. -_-' wonderful. Anyway, so I should go do that. Oh, and tomorrows the day I live at school, so if I'm not on, thats the reason! Well, SEE YA! ^_^
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
4 MORE DAYS! ^_^
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2

Yoha cat and dog people! ^_^ I have so many story's! But first, a late B-day shout for Ashron! Sorry its so late, I never got to do it until now! So here it is Happy b-day Ashron! ^_^ Ok, now, first we start with Saterday. Alright, our band had a compitition, and it was over in Plattsmith. Well, we got there and there are ten other bands there that are like almost twice our size right? Well, its time for the awards, best drum majors go to some other band, then its best drum line, and that obviously goes to another band, I think it was like elkhorn or something like that. Then they call out best colorguard. And WE WON! ^_^ It was AWSOME! Anyway, then they called out the best band, and no one thought we would win...BUT WE DID! YES! ^_^
SO ya, that was my saterday, other than driving the seven hours it takes to get to Arkansas. And Shadowme, Sometimes I ask myself too. But all I really did while I was there was sit around, rake leaves, and play on my Gba. That was the rest of my Saterday, my Sunday, and my Monday. So, we come back at 10:00 at night on Monday cause I didn't have any school that day. Well, I had to wake up at like 5 the next morning, and I got to bed at like 11. -.-' I was tired this morning. THen I found out my lunch account is negative, so I can't even get myself a coffee in the morning. -.-' But the rest of the day was fine. Even Drivers Ed, cause we had a guest speaker, so my brains nice and happy for all the work I'm going to do tonight. Homework. -.-'
So ya, story time I guess. I have two for you today! I think, I might only tell one! Well, heres the first one. I was driving at pitch black night, no moon, no stars, no street lights, in Arkansas, which means alot of hills and curves. Wee. Anyway, I'm driving, and I see this big blood spot in the road. Some idiot ran over a deer, left it in the middle of the interstate, in pitch black night. It scared the crap out of me cause it was in two peices, and there was a semi near me, and there was a deer part in both of the roads. -.-' I swear I almost had a heart attack.
SO thats my story. I don't think I'll tell the other one today. So Halloween is coming up! My favorite holiday! ^_^ So, either today, like later today, or tomorrow I shall put up my halloween theme! It'll be awsome cause I'll feature an anime for a certain number of days, I'll have to count. But I think I'll make the first one Cowboy Beebop. I'm not sure! Anyway, ya, thats my plans, you'll just have to see what my mind is planning! ^_^
So ya, I should be getting ready for the ITED's tomorrow and Thursday. The whole school except for the senoirs are taking them. Stupid Seniors. I'm kiddin, I have alot of friends that are seniors! ^_^ Anyway, so I have that to look forward to. Sure. Lets go with that one. OH! How was the saterday anime? I can't believe I missed it! T.T I'm so sad! Anyway, please tell me! Was Naruto good? How about Inuyasha or FMA? T.T I can't believe I missed it! Oh well, no use crying over spilled milk. Anyway, I should go, I have like three reports to do, including the serial killer one. SO I'll SEE YA!
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Friday, October 7, 2005
9 more days
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2

Yoha party people! How are ya guys? Well, yesterday was my day to live at school. Fun. Actually it really wasn't that bad, just alittle tiring. And I have an essay to write for school. Its called "The mind of a Serial Killer". I have to study all these different serial killers there were in the world. It ought to be interesting, but very tidious. It isn't due until next week...I think. Anyway, as long as I research it, it won't take that long. Then I have another report for Drivers Ed about drunk driving thats due thursday. And I have to drive three times this week. Man are my teachers going to be annoyed with me this week. I get out of classes to drive with the teacher, so thats why I say they'll be annoyed with me. Oh well, it gets me out of classes that are othersise boring. Oh, and we have tests to do on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week as well. Which meant that we only have three classes a day. SO that ought to be interesting as well. I hate tests though, they are so annoying, and they are sometimes to easy, even after there are like a million people saying its the hardest test they have taken at all in the class. Just wait for exam's people. So ya, today's agenda: chores, and lots of them.
So ya, I also have to finish the last of the tiles, I just have like, one more to go. So it won't take that long. Turns out I don't clean the basement this weekend, its next weekend, we are going to Arkansas this weekend. Arkansas is the most boring state I have ever been in. There is nothing to do. There is a movie theater, there is a lake, and there is a town with just one store, and its a pawn store. Man, I'm city slicker. Thats weird. I never really considered myself one, until I realize how big a city I live in, and how much there is to do.
Anyway, ya, its my grandma's house we are going to, and she just has five channels, so I'll miss anime night. T.T I already didn't see last Saterday's Naruto, I saw Inuyasha and FMA, but not Naruto. And now I'm going to miss all three. Great. Just what I want to do. -.-' But we are going to the library today, so I'll check out some manga's and some books on serial killers, and I'll be happy.
She also doesn't have a comp, so I won't be postin for the next couple of days, so be sure to tell me what I miss over the weekend! -.-' I hate going to my grandma's. And since I can drive now, I'm more than likely going to drive most of the way there. -.-'
So ya, what an eventful weekend I have planned. And Whats this? We have monday off from school, so I have to stay there even longer. -.-' Why are we even going? Normally we just go down there for holidays. Man, ok, I'm done whinning.
So after that I go back to school. I'll be having to get up early for just one more week. YES! The season is almost done! But thats also sad, cause this is the senior's last one, and since there are six of them, and 4 others that aren't, its going to be a big lose. Hopefully the middle school midgets will come and we'll have at least a little bit bigger of a band. I mean, we are the smallest 4A band, we have 63 people in it, including colorguard. We really need more people.
So ya, thats about it, I think I'm done ranting for the day. I think I'll take a nap before doing my chores, that sounds good. So anyway, I'm going to go take a nap, do my chores, then play video games, so SEE YA!
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
11 days left!
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2

Yoha Coke and Pepsi peoples! Whats up with all you party peoples? Today was early dismissal! WOOT! ^_^ I love my school! ^_^ So, I have to finish cutting the tiles today, then I go to bed, wake up and live at school on Thursday. -.-' I hate thursdays. They suck. Anyway, ya, My brother is playing vid games, and low and behold! Its Star Wars...again. GAH! Anyway, my friend Nicole is over and I have this big erge to just go to the mall thats five minutes away walking and just read Manga's. I don't know why.
Anyway, ya, other than cutting those tiles, I have nothin in my agenda for tonight...YES! A night off! -.-' Finally. I'm getting so tired lately. I can't wait, two more compititions and I don't have any more band junk basically. YES! BUYA! ^_^ Anyway, ya, I'll be able to get to everyone today, so SEE YA! ^_^
Comments (6) |
Tuesday, October 4, 2005
Busy as a bee
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2

Yoha's gentle lovers and single loners! How are ya's all? I'm pretty tired, but no time to complain! Because complaining is bad, very bad! Anyway, so today we got out an hour early because we had an assembly. It was interesting. It was this guy from the Rams. He came and talked to the whole school about things like peer pressure, and alcohol and drugs. Its was interesting cause we got out of school early. SO that was good. I also found like the mother load of cookies in my house, but I'm not allowed to eat any of them...........Oh well, who'll know?
I have found heaven, and its sweet! I love my dads cookies! ^_^ Oh ya, did I tell you guys that I hit a judge on Saterday? Sorry if I have already, but I'm so happy about that! That hardly ever happens! ^_^ Oh! Also I declare tomorrow to be Why day! Spread the news! TO almost everything said, you have to say why! SO tomorrow is Why day! NO! Its Why WEEK! BUYA! Ok, but you don't have to say it everyday. Just say it enough for it to be why week! Ok? Ok!
Anyway, I really need to lay off the sugar. -.-' Oh well, I can't, I'm addicted. Anyway, tomorrow is an Early Dismissal, YAY! I get out two hours early, and I get Monday and Friday off! But I only get to sleep in friday. -.-' Saterday I have a comp, and I have to help clean out my friends basment. SUnday I sleep in until we leave for Arkansas, and then I'll have to wake up Monday to leave and get back to Iowa. -.-' Man, why am I so busy? I HATE IT! I'm so tired. Anyway, I'm going to shorten this post, unlike my last two, so SEE YA!
P.S. I HAVE NO HOMEWORK! WOOT! ^_^ Just thought I'd let you know!
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Monday, October 3, 2005
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2

Yoha pimps and Madams. How are ya'll today? Today was interesting. Our group stayed after school to talk today, cause we are never able to get together lately. Its kinda sad. I also found out that my best bud Tristan is a Senior. That saddens me. Why do Seniors have to leave? I want life to stay just as it is. Tristan brightens my day, and hes leaving me at the end of the year. And Dani's leaving too. This saddens me. And Nicks leaving, and Emily, and Aleesha, and Michelle, and and and...Thats so sad! T_T Anyway, ya, I'm just going to have to enjoy them while they are still here! Thats my decision!
Anyway, today my calves still hurt! And I had to walk around school with them like this. It was a painful day. I also threw my flag, and it came right down on my calf while I took a step. Oh man, that really hurt. And my back has started to hurt too. I have problems. Oh! I have another story! I've been doing alot of junk lately (obviously -.-') And I'm getting really tired. Well today I fell half asleep in American History, and I started dreaming, but I heard everything the teacher said. There was music playing, and I was taking notes or something in my dream, and all of a sudden my friend Sara came, grabbed me and dragged me. (this is all in the dream by the way) Well, while she was dragging me, we jumped onto or off of something, and my legs kicked out from under me during class, while I was dreaming, and it scared me, so I jumped a mile high, and almost screamed. It was freaky, and everyone in the class was staring at me. Even the teacher. I just smiled and waved and went back to my notes.
Has anyone ever had that happened? It doesn't have to be at school, its happened to me while I was about to fall asleep, except that time I jumped off a log, and my legs just kicked out while I was laying in bed. Its the strangest feeling. And my legs started hurting right after it happened. Darn that soreness. So ya, everything is going ok, and I can finally relax. WE GET FRIDAY AND MONDAY OFF! WOOT! But Saterday I have another compitition in Plattsmouth. -.-' Great. Oh well, I won't have to parade march there. Marching band, the only place you can be really sore, and go to an exotic place. AL (our rival school, along with like four other schools) is going to England or France or something like that this year. We don't know where we are going yet, but Hendo promised we would go somewhere.
SO ya, I still want my money, but on saterday after the compitition I'm going over to my friends grandma's house and help clean her basement, then me and my friend get to stay there and eat junk food, and watch movies, and sleep there till who knows when! Wow...I should probably stop talking. I'm like, ranting really badly. Oops. Ok, well, I should probably stop, I have a review packet due tomorrow for Biology. And I have to study for my test as well. GAR THE TESTNESS! Anyway, ya, I'm doing it again, so I'm just going to stop myself now. I'm gonna go now, SEE YA! ^_^ WOOT! Sorry, I'll actually go, SEE YA!
Comments (8) |
Sunday, October 2, 2005
So sore. T_T
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2

Yoha minions of the world. Man I'm sore. Going to a band compitition, getting home, getting ready for homecoming in an hour, then going to homecoming is a tiring time. -.-' I wish sometimes I wasn't in colorguard. Anyway, heres the story.
We had to work on thursday, cause, you know, it was the day I lived at school, even though colorguard was over at 6, we still had Correnation. That took up most of the night. Then on Friday we had our homecoming football game, that we lost severely, 31 to 10. And we were undefeated until now too. So they are going to get chewed out on Monday. Anyway, we had to play pre-game and halftime, so I was a little tired from that. Then on Saterday, I got 4 hours of sleep thanks to the football game, cause we had to get at the school for our band compitition at like, 4:30 in the morning. Once we got there, we had to march a parade, then we had to march our show, two times. Once I got home I had an hour to get ready for homecoming, then I went to homecoming. Of course, that was fun, but it was also really tiring.
Anyway, enough complaining, that was the past, now is now. ^_^ Thank you guys for coming to my site even though I haven't been on in a while. Thank you so much! Anyway, I should probably get going. I promised my friends mom I'd cut tiles for her, then help pull weeds. I get paid for the tiles though. And lord know I need money. I have ten dollars, and I still have to get my friend a birthday present. What was funny was that at her b-day party, I gave her something you would give someone who was having a wedding, Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. I got her an old target bag as rapping paper, cause the only way I know how to wrap is stick it in a bag and close it with duct tape. I made her a card, thats the new. The card was also blue. And as for something borrowed, her actually present was my favorite book I told her to keep until I got her an actual present. So thats a borrowed present. She said if thats what I did for her b-day, she can't wait to see what I'm going to do at her wedding if she ever finds someone. ^_^ Ya, so I have ten dollars. I just need a few more to find something for her. Hm...what should I get her? I don't know. Anyway, I ended up wearing the dress. And of course, Iowa is freezing cold, so I was freezing my butt off everytime I was by the doors. Anyway ya, I've been talkin to much, I should probably just go and get dressed, then go to peoples sites. SO I'll SEE YA! ^_^
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This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2

Yoha guys and gals! Homecoming was tonight! OMG! I haven't updated since...MONDAY! I thought it was like Wednesday! OMG! I'M SO SORRY! T.T Wait...I feel bad now. I haven't been around. EH! I can't believe the events of this week, and to out them all in one post, when I'm about to fall asleep...not possible. T.T So I'm going to have to update tomorrow as well. Hmmmm...Well ya, I should go to bed, so I'll be on tomorrow, and I promise I shall visit everyone who updated since monday! T.T I PROMISE! Again, I am Sorry! SEE YA!
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Monday, September 26, 2005
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2

Yoha! I have homecoming on saterday, and this week is spirit week. Which means that you dress like weird things. Today was super hero day. Tomorrow is Idol day! Me and my friends were planning to dress as slipknot and see how many looks we get! ^_^ WOOT! Anyway, ya, I went to the allergists today, and they gave me steroids. Yes steroids. Hyper me got steroids. This won't be good. But its for my allergies so ya, they should help. This will be fun! ^_^ Anyway, ya, today was interesting other than that. My spanish teacher is a friend of mine and he lives by me, so put us in the same classroom and you get a fun time. Its quite interesting.
Right now my brother is playing battle front, and its quite intertaining to watch since my brain is going at a hundred miles per hour! WEEEEEEEEEEEE! WOO! WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO! Anyway, just ignore all that.
O, one of my friends was safty ninja, it was holarious. Cause he had caution tape for a bandana, and for his secret weapon, he had a tape of porno. Athena stole it and thus far, he hasn't noticed we took it right out of his pocket. It holarious. Anyway, ya, nothing else new on the battlefront. At least none that i can think'll think of something. Um...uh...NOO! Stupid Steroids! GR! Anyway, ya, I have nothing to do except homework, so I should probably get to that. Gr, the homework. Hey! I should read! OH FB! Where are you my beloved mangas? I shall go search for them.
SEE YA! ^_^ WOOT!!!!!
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