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The middle of nowhere, Iowa
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I go by many names, but you can call me Shenron
Standing my parents for 4 years of my life, and being able to play bass quitar well
Anime Fan Since
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Yami no Matsuei, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto Shippuden, sukisyo, and The Wallflower
Goals...I don't really have any. I just go with what I'm handed.
Sports, hanging with friends, playing playstation, and playing bass guitar
Aren't achievements and talents the same thing?
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Friday, March 2, 2007
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
First off, this music is temperary until I can find the song I want. Alright, well, as for the more. It turns out that I had to go watch the neighbors kids because of the blizzard. I also got today off of school. When you get a foot and 2" of snow, I guess there isn't anything you can really do. But I ended up going out and playing in the snow. It was rather fun because I haven't been able to play in the snow since last year. It was awsome! And rather cold. I also got to drink hot chocolate! ^-^ Oh man, its a rather good time!
By the way, my favorite manga isn't death note, its Wallflower. I doubt many people have heard about it, the only reason I did was because of chance. Plus, I already knew death note had an anime, and the movie is in real life, which I thought was rather odd, but it really suits the anime well I have to admitt. Watching Wallflower is rather odd though, because they don't go in the same order. It might be because in the book it goes from spring to winter, to fall, to summer, and back to winter, but its still a really good manga.
Well, I just saw the weather, it turns out we are going to be getting even more snow. Woo hoo. Especially since I have to babysit tomorrow. Damn. Oh well. It'll be fine. I really need to go and find my cds, but I'll try and visit everyone, but I'm not making many garentees. Well, SEE YA! ^_^
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Thursday, March 1, 2007
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Yoha guys. Sorry its becoming a habit of me not commenting you guys, but everytime I'm about to, something comes up and I have to go do that stuff. Luckily for you, today I am stuck inside the house...literally. There is a blizzard outside, and there is no way of escaping other than walking, but the farthest you can go is five houses up before you get to tired and have to turn around. The worst part is we can get anywhere from 10 inches, to 22 inches. Its really crappy, but yet cool because I get out of school for it.
By the way, I forgot to mention the last time that it was my 16th b-day. I suppose I just didn't find it that big of a deal. Whatever. Anyway, the spring musical is about to start, and we were supposed to have a soccer meeting for the beginning of the season, but I don't think spring has come...what do you think? Anyway, I found out today that my favorite manga is being turned into an anime. Its hilarious. More later. SEE YA!
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Thursday, February 22, 2007
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Yoha guys. Its been awhile hasn't it? About...two weeks. Man time does fly when your busy. I am still currently in the middle of one of my projects, but its not that important, and I can get it done quickly, so no big deal. Also I had finals on Monday, and Tuesday. It suxxord. But it wasn't that bad since I get a five day weekend out of it...even though its my spring vacation. -_- But hey, what are you going to do? Its better than being at school. Thats for sure.
But yes, other than that, the 10th was my b-day, and I got pocky the next day. Seriously, it was wicked sweet. I hadn't had pocky since the 8th grade. It was awsome. I also got into this new anime named Solty Rei. Its really not that bad. A good way to describe it is a mix of Chobits, Ghost in the shell, and Cowboy Bebop. Its actually really cool. And kinda sad. The second DVD is coming March 6th. WOO! I can't wait!
Thats actually about all thats happened really. I should be able to get on later today and go to everyone's sites. Well, SEE YA!
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Friday, February 9, 2007
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Yoha. This is a rather long post, and I apologize. You don't have to read all of it, just so you know. All you really need to know is I changed the layout for february to Ruroni Kenshin, and I will be visiting everyone later tonight, for tomorrow is my b-day, and we will be going out to eat!
This saturday, I went to this speech contest in Des Moines, right? Well, during this contest, our school was able to become the talk of every single school that was there. We are a loud bunch of people. Then, after all the events were posted and what they all got, we went to go get something to eat before going home. Well, we decided to go to McDonalds. I went to the restroom when we got there, and when I get out, no one from my school is in there. My phone starts to ring, and it turns out, they had left me in McDonalds, and went to BurgerKing instead. Lucky, I got them to stop before they got onto the really busy road and I was able to catch the bus.
That is my story of the day. It was a rather interesting experience, to say the least. After everyone ate though, we all played in the play ground. It was so much fun! I'm just glad it wasn't outside, that snow would have been really cold. But otherwise, this last week was...interesting to say the least. It all started last monday, when I first turned in my fundraiser. It was a day late from when I needed to turn it in, thus, they almost couldn't send it in! And it was only late by an hour! Luckily, they were able to send it in, and thus, my ass was saved another day!
But I digress. Then, later in the week, I got into a very bad conversation with one of my friends. She was bullying another of my friends, and so I was talking to her about the situation. Unfortunately, she thought it was funny. So, I asked her if she really cared about what I was saying, and her response was "No, I don't really care." WHILE SMILING! WHAT THE HELL?! She should care! She could get suspended or expelled for almost strangling someone!
So then I told her, "Then next time you want to talk to me, I really won't care." And walked off. Well, I went to get my backpack for my next class, and she follows me and tries to justify her reasons, so I threw my back pack at her and yelled at her that she really needs shut up, and leave me alone, and I stormed out of there! Man, it was horrible.
Now the interesting part. I was telling two of my friends about this, in order to figure out what I should do. Well, once I got done with this story, the fan that was five steps away...well it kinda....Blew up...But I didn't do anything. It has still yet to get fixed.
Super bowl happened on Sunday as well. Rather interesting that was. Went to an awsome party for it. And the Colts won. Thats the team I wanted to win from the beginning. Of course, my team is the SeaHawks, but whatever, its just football.
I went to the doctor's office tuesday, and got some new pills. Woo. Pillz. I also had Runza for the very first time. It was pretty good. My stomach kinda hurts, but other wise I'm good. Its also been snowing alot. Its actually kinda annoying, and really crappy. I watched a movie wednesday called Boo. It was actually really creepy, but really good. Wednesday was an early dismissal. We went to this rather interesting play kinda thing. It had its own band and it was romeo and Juliet.
During the early dismissal it started snowing really hard, and I almost got killed by pole. It was rather creepy. And kinda scary. And I got to practice for an ensemble I'm doing. Yes, thats right, I am in band. I never practice though, so I'm last chair, its rather funny. Anyway, I'm going to go read wallflower 3, cause its almost a month until the 11th comes out.
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Friday, January 26, 2007
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Yoha guys. How's it goin? Well, sorry I didn't update on monday, but its been a rough week. First I had a speech compitition, and then I had a paper to finish, not to mention all the pottery projects I had to finish. And I've got some other projects that need to be done by this weekend. I'm also sorry I didn't go and visit everyone, once I got home I had to go straight to this concert with my family. Basically its been a pretty rough week for me, but after this I have to go to school and make a program for this speech night thing. The reason I'm not there right now, we don't have school and I can go in whenever I want. Man, sometimes its hard to be the right hand man.
In other news, snowball was the weekend before last. Which means that yesterday, pictures came out. So basically, I got glomped by everyone who wanted me to see their pictures. Surprisingly, it was a small group than last year. Oh, and we are buried in 7 inches of snow. Everyweekend we get more and more snow. Its kinda sad, but its really pretty. The back of my truck is filled with the stuff, so if I ever need it for something, its not that far away.
Other than that, there really isn't that much to update about. I made a new layout, cause I got this bright idea of making layouts of animes from years ago. Man does it bring back memories. Anyway, hope you all have a good weekend, cause I know I am! Anyway, I'll visit everyone once I get back from school. Anyway, SEE YA!
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Sunday, January 14, 2007
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Yoha guys. Well, more bad news from my front. Two of my friends got into a car accident today. It scared the shit out of me. Luckily they are both ok. One is in pain, and the other is freaking out like no other. Their car slid, and hopped a curb. The car ran straight into a fence. That's about all I know about it. ...its just scary, and I'm just tired. The worst part is I was in the shower when they called, and I didn't get to talk to them after it happened.
Anyway, that leads up to the next thing that happened. There is snow on the ground again. Not to mention it was 52 degrees a week ago, and now its 19 degrees. Man I hate weather. Unfortunately, there isn't anything you can do about it. But hey, its all good, cause this means that I get to go to school in the snow on monday! Woo! Not only that, but its alot of fun to play in! Anyway, ya, its really starting to come down too.
In other news, the school held its annual snowball last night. I didn't go though. I didn't see any reason to. Especially when I could have just stayed here and babysat for money. So, me and the kids had a little party of our own. We danced, had caffine, and sugar, and had so much fun with it! It was awsome! Plus I heard from a reliable source, that the ball, wasn't all that great. THey always seem to be filled with drama, and I had my own dance, with no drama! I mean, if a one year old can start drama, the world is a sad place.
Anyway, thats about all I have for now. I went to the mall yesterday, and got some more manga, but thats about it on the anime side. Well, I hope you guys have a better day than I had. Well, SEE YA!
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Thursday, January 4, 2007
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Yoha. I suppose with the beginning of the new year I should reflect on the past and learn from it, as well as make new resolutions for the year to come. Unfortunately, this year has started off rather bad. Today I went to my favorite uncle's funeral. Yes, his funeral. He did two days after christmas from a heart attack. I had to wake up early in the morning and go to my favorite uncles funeral, who I didn't know had died until yesterday. Not to metion I am also sick as a dog. I don't know what it is, but my throat is sore, and my head hurts, I have a fever, my nose is runny and I've been coughing. ARG!!!
In other news, IT SNOWED! YAY! Me love snow! Remember last year when it snowed! It was freaking awsome! And we played in it because we were at church, I remember that. We also got two snow days that time! And I made a snow man look like a woman! It was awsome! There wasn't much snow though, so we couldn't go out and play in it. Oh well, its all good. Its still a pretty site, and not to mention I got to see someone get stuck trying to go up the hill! It was very intertaining!
I haven't talked about my christmas have I? Well, I got clothes. That was about it. I also got this cool calculator that is HUGE! Its about the size of my Chemistry book! Its really cool lookin! I also got a movie. And I got to burn a rat. Thats right, I burned a rat, after we caught it in a rat trap because it was in the trailor of my grandma. It was rather fun to watch burn!
Oh well, it was a pretty funny year when you look at the big picture. I hope your guy's new year is awsome! SEE YA!
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Yoha guys! Nice to see you all again! On the up side, my g-ma is out of the hospital! YAY! And there is a two hour House tonight! WOOT! But ya, she's out of the hospital which means that we will most likely be going to her house this christmas. Unless she goes back in. Then it will be a very sad christmas...oh well, I'm sure it won't happen! Oh, and if your confused about the House thing, its just the most awsome show you would ever watch! Its a doctor show and the doctor who is the star is such an Ass! Its so funny cause he makes fun of his patients all the time! Its so funny!
But anyway, another up is that I got my class ring today. Its really pretty and the amethyst in it is cut in a really cool way! Its also really shiney. But anyway, I'm actually in class right now, and we are supposed to be sketching polygons. Its actually rather boring, and fairly simple. I wish it was some harder designs. That would make it so much better! But oh well, I can't help it, its just the way things are going to have to work. I'll get it done though, cause it isn't due until thursday.
Anyway, speech is going good too. I had to take my little brother with me to practice yesterday. It wasn't that good, but it was rather funny, cause people would ask who he is, and I would say he is my little brother who is in 7th grade. Now, you wouldn't think that would be funny...but my brother is 5'6" right now. Ya...hes a big boy. Hes almost as big as my father already. Its really funny to see. I think some people thought he was my bf or something.
Anyway, thats about all I have for last week. Not that much actually happened. I'm going to be in school until thrusday. Yup, and then I'm going back in two days after the first. So thats a total of 10 days. yay. But I need to get back to sketching. SEE YA!

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Monday, December 11, 2006
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Yoha! Sorry I didn't visit like I promised, but my grandma went into the hospital again. It was a very sad day, and she was supposed to come out friday, but shes still there. She is getting somewhat better though! ^_^ Thats the good news! But hey, whatever right? Luckily though she isn't gone yet. Since we go there for chirstmas every year, it would be very sad if she doesn't make it this year. I'm sure it'll be fine though! If all else fails, she'll probably go to the risen sun (a retirement home near my house).
In other news, I had chirstmas this weekend at my aunt and uncle's house. That means cash. I got a gift card with who knows how much money, and $25 from my grandpa. It was awsome! Now I can go buy that AFI cd! And then I can buy Kill Hannah, and I can pay Nicole back for that Killswitch Engage cd. Yes! Plus I'm going to get the movie Accepted. If you haven't seen it, I strongly incourage you to. Even if it looks stupid, it actually does have a lesson at the end! Its an awesome movie!
I also changed the layout to christmas, YAY!Anyway, I think thats about it. I promise that tonight I'll be able to get to everyone. I apologize again for last week! I'll see you all tonight! SEE YA!

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Tuesday, December 5, 2006
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Yoha! Wow...its been a whole month huh? Thats a long time, it didn't seem that long though. I'm really sorry I haven't been on since then, but I have been really really really busy! I don't know if I'll ever be able to update regularly again! T-T But anyway, I promise I'm not dead! And I'm really sorry I haven't been on that much! I'm so so so so very sorry! If only I had a better time! I even had stuff ready for thanksgiving too! T-T But I couldn't get on! T-T This is going to be a long post, so if you don't have the time, STOP NOW!
Anyway, over the course of a month, I have:
A) Had my other grandma get put into the hospital
B) Became incharge of a portion of the school's website
C) Become involved in speech
D) Become a stranger in my own house
E) I had a band concert
F) Took finals
And G) Got my computer broke
The first event happened the day after I buried my other grandma. We had gotten back from the cemetary, and had started relaxing when mom got a call saying my other grandma was in the hospital. It wasn't a fun experience mind you, because me and my parents just had a fight, and thus, I did D, became a stranger in my house. I wasn't allowed to use the computer in the living room for more than an hour, and I had to figure out about food. Of course, you can guess that punishment never happened, cause my mom left to go to grandma, and I was stuck doing all the jobs mom normally does.
That means I didn't have any time of my own. And then, I went to school, and needed some music really bad, so I found my friend who always sneeks in her ipod, and I listened to that. Unfortunately, I had to follow her into this out of school activity called speech. Needless to say, I got involved in it, and am now a part of it. And that is also how I got incharge of part of the website. I have to post up all the speech announcements, the letterings, and the attendance crap. Needless to say, its been very tiring as of late.
Then, as though everything wasn't bad enough, we had Finals, and I was worried about those and what kind of grade we got, and then I had to figure out a new schedule for my life. That took me a few weeks to figure out, and then my computer up and broke on me!! That little bastard broke! I'm fixing him though so it should be fine eventually. But I haven't been able to fix him as fast as I had hoped because he is a windows, and because we had a concert. So I was worried about that, and making sure I knew my stuff, and it is so hard to not have a mac! Those things are so amazing! T-T
Now you are probably wondering how I am able to type this to you right now, but the truth is, I am in a class right now, and since all I have to do is edit and revise what we are doing, and its not due till friday, I'm pretty much just doing nothing. Thus I decided to update so that you don't think I'm dead. I will visit everyone, but it won't be until I get home tonight at about 5. I'm sorry, I truely am. Good news, I have figured out how to juggle everything, and it should be easier for me to get on, unless something like this happens again, and thus I will apologize profusely.
I'm also sorry if my vocab is odd today, but I am in thought mode because I have two reports for the SAME THING due this week. Its not that fun. I forgot to list that too. The reports have taken up much of my computer time, thus I am unable to get to this, and updating. But anyway, I want to leave everyone with a question, because I am very intrigued at this sort of thing and because I want to see who all reads all of this. And since it is almost Christmas, it all works for the better and towards my question! Anyway, SEE YA!
If you could just have ONE MATERIAL object, what would you get?

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