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The middle of nowhere, Iowa
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I go by many names, but you can call me Shenron
Standing my parents for 4 years of my life, and being able to play bass quitar well
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Yami no Matsuei, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto Shippuden, sukisyo, and The Wallflower
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Sports, hanging with friends, playing playstation, and playing bass guitar
Aren't achievements and talents the same thing?
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Yoha guys! The play is officially over, and so are finals! YAY! End of Trimester! Life has gotten much better since last time I was on, and now I'll be able to update regularly again! YAY! But anyway, I should be much better, I've finally gotten over the whole mourning thing, and I still miss her, but I'm done crying for now. But anyway, its so good to be back! ^_^ I love being back and seeing everyone, but I'll be severely confused because I haven't been here for so long.
While I was away, the play ended, and I was able to get some sleep! ...for about two days, then I had to start studying for finals. Thats right, this week was dredded finals week. It was horrible! I hate finals! But good news is that its OVER! NO more finals, no more play, and I get a 4 day weekend! YES! 4 day weekend! But the bad part is I'll be in Louisiana during it all, so I'll be on vaca, and won't be able to get on the internet, or to finish some stuff that I promised I'd give my friends.
In other news, I've started drawing again, and practicing bass! Thats mainly because I went to this concery, and it was really cool! THEY HAD PENGUINS! ^-^ They were on the speakers, and they were on the new cd! It was AWSOME! It really inspired me to start playing again. As for drawing again, I was told to draw this person for one of my classes, and alot of people told me I should start drawing again. It really annoyed me that I had gotten worse over such a long Hiatus. But now, I've gotten alot better, it makes me happy again! ^_^ But my favorite thing that happened is my spanish class thought of an emo icon. No offense to anyone. But this is what we came up with -_\\\ Isn't it cute?!
Anyway, if you hadn't noticed I changed the site. I think it looks really good! I like the song alot too! I like having time to do things like this. I LOVE DOING NOTHING! But anyway, thats about all I got for you today...oh! I have a story though! I was kicked out of the house the other day for about two hours. I was kicked out for doing nothing. Then I went to my neighbors, got my dads bean soup he asked for, and held it for ransom. Thats how I got back into the house. Anyway, I'm going to go, but as my final words, I'll leave you with yo momma jokes! SEE YA! ^_^

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
yoha. This is going to be kinda a depressing post, so I apologize at the start. Even though I haven't been on in forever, its really good to see everyone again. ^_^ I'll start with some good stuff since that'll make it seem less depressing. Well, The plays almost over! YAY! Only about a week left of it! Isn't that awsome! I can't wait for it to be over, then I'll actually have time to myself! Today I had a day off too, its amazing! Its going to be sad, but good at the same time. I don't know how to describe it, but that also means I'll be on more often! YAY!
Ok, now the depressing part. My Granma died on Sunday. Ya, its sad, and yes, I was close to her. I miss her alot. Its just really depressing me, and I can't get any school work done. I hate it, I just want to go back to when I was a freshman. Everything seemed easy then...actually, I want to be 4. That was the best year ever. I want to be 4 years old, then I would have no responsibilities, everyone I knew would still be alive, I wouldn't have any problems, and there would be no such thing as school. Plus I wouldn't have moved yet, and I wouldn't have had anything bad happen.
The funeral for her is friday. Thats what depresses me the most. Its so close. And she's getting creamated, which means I'm never going to see her face again. It would have made things much easier if she had died in her house, or in the hospital...but she died on her way home from visiting me. My grandpa was driving home, cause they live 4 hours from us, and she died of a heartattack on her way home with grandpa. I feel horrible. I can't help but feel its partially my fault.
So ya, see why I said it would be depressing? Tonight we are going clothes shopping for the funeral. That just puts things in perspective. Its so sad how things work. I hate it. Its going to depress me so much when I go shopping, your not supposed to be depressed when you go shopping! OH well. I don't know, I'm sure things will start to get better. RIght? Right. Well, hope you all have a great day! SEE YA! ^_^

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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Yoha! And long time no see everyone! I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH! Unfortunately, I am not back for good yet. T-T I'm only here to make sure everyone is doing good on their search through life! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO FAR AWAY NOVEMBER?! WHY?! I wish I could update regularly, but the only reason I can update today is because I had an early dismissal today, and I'll be able to update monday of next week too! CAUSE THERE IS NO SCHOOL!!!!!! WOOOOOOT! ^_^ Man I've missed you guys!
Anyway, Time for the events of my life since I last updated which september....IT WAS THAT LONG AGO?! NO WONDER I'VE MISSED YOU ALL SO MUCH! Anyway, the play is doing really good, but I'm so sore right now from all the walking I had to do yesterday. And then I had to run from the middle school to the high school, and that was not fun. In all the drama department, this includes our supervisers, and our teachers, and the production and actors, I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO OWNS A TRUCK! T-T They scared the crap out of me yesterday cause someone told me that they almost ran my truck into a pole. I screamed for five minutes, and then we called the person I left incharge of the keys, and it didn't actually happen.
We had our first band competion and our first football game! Good news is our football team hasn't lost a game yet! Other good news is we got fourth place! WOO! But this weekend we have to go to Souix Falls, SD for a band competion. We are going to get our butts handed to us so bad. Anyway, the two football games went good, so thats a plus I suppose. But we didn't have our third song clean so we weren't able to perform it, which is really sad, cause we have some cool stuff in there.
We had an asembly yesterday. Man that was alot of fun! And it got us out of a lot of second hour! WOO! Anything that gets me out of Adv. Alg. is good by my books! But it was alot of fun. They guys are really nice, and I'm going to this thing at one of our brother schools here in CB tonight after play practice. BLEH! Stupid play practice. But I don't don't really care, its actually alot of fun at our practices, so it really dosn't bug me that much. I just wish there was something less tidious to do.
I think I changed the site since last time. But I don't really remember...hmmmm, maybe I'm just going crazy. Anyway, I ALSO GOT THIS REALLY COOL SHINEY NEW SKETCHBOOK! Its so awsome! I love it to death! .: hugs sketch book :. WOO! SKETCH BOOK NICE! ^_^ But other than that, not much has really happened thats very exciting. But its time for me to go, I've got to watch four 10 year old boys now, BLEH! So I hope you all keep staying well until I'm back on! Well, SEE YA! ^_^
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Sunday, September 17, 2006
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Man its been awhile! Its so great to be back! I'm really sorry I haven't been on in forever! But I had so many things that I had to go and finish, and I'm still not done! The sad thing is that I won't be done till November! T-T That means I won't be able to update regularly until November! That makes me so sad! I won't be able to know whats going on with everyone for a long time! T-T SAD ME IS!!! VERY SAD!!!!! I'm going to miss you all for so long! I reall am! And I promise I'll be on again! 100% promise!
Anyway, now to explain why I'm so busy. Well, school started, I had a nervous break down cause my friend went missing and that, and it made me a huge emotional wreck. The school had just opened, and I had homework to do like a banshy. Band started up too, and I had to be there really early in the morning, and I thought I would have time to update in the afternoon, then my friend made me try out for the school play. Unfortunately...I made it. Not as a cast, but as a stage manager. Which means I have to be at every practice, and I have to memorize every line in the play, and BLEH! We've been having practice everyday after school, and it sucks. I'm so tired right now.
I've also had to go to other peoples things, like my friends gigs, but since I'm busy all the time, I haven't been able to go to any of his gigs! T-T Its so sad! But I will go to one of them one of these days! Yesterday was so tiring! I was at school from 9-5 with no rest time, and it wasn't even for school! I had to go and learn this new routine, which I don't even remember most of it anymore! Not to mention I have so many projects I want to get done, and I haven't even been able to start alot of them! T-T
I should be greatful that I have a life, but its so tiring. OH well, I hope everyones day has been going awsome for you all! I really do! Well SEE YA in november!
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Yoha guys! Hope things are going good for you all! My lifes going pretty good! I just have to wake up every morning now, but no big deal! Right now, all I have to worry about it how I'm going to survive tomorrow. Tomorrow is my living at the school day, and I have to stay there from 6:30 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Its going to be very tiresome. I can't believe schools started already though, my sister graduates from Lauffiette in November. I envy her. But I suppose she deserves it, I mean, she has been in college for 6 years now.
Anyway, we had this really annoying assembly yesterday, and the freshmeat were the worst of it. They kept talking when they weren't supposed to, and poking me, cause I had to be one of the upper classmen to sit by them. Man that sucked, but otherwise, it still a really boring assembly, and they only talked about the rules. Bleh. I can't wait to be a senoir and get my ass out of that school. Especially with the new principal, Mr. Story. Hes worse than Mr. DoctorRadkey. Oh well, theres nothing you can do about it.
The only other thing going on in my life, is that we are getting another car. Thats right, now my family will have four cars, and no one will be able to get out of our driveway. But I don't have to drive that rear wheel drive in the ice now. The one bad thing about living in the north, the winter when you drive. Oh well, theres nothing I can do about the climate, not until I'm 17 at least, then its off to Texas for me and my friend! WOO! Its going to be my senior rode trip! It sounds like so much fun! I can't wait!
Lately I have been remembering about the good old days, when I didn't even know Outlaw Star was anime. I watched some really good anime back then too, but I just thought it was normal cartoons. Meh, oh well. I think I'm going watch Outlaw Star tonight. Anyway, I think thats about all I got for today, I'll visit everyone when I'm done with homework! Well, SEE YA! ^_^

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Thats right! I'm using a subject today! SCHOOOOOOOL SUCKS!
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
It is now 9 in the morning, and I am about to go to my first day of school......XP Man, I wish it was still summer. -_- I'm so tired right now, and I wish I was at village in with everyone else, but my plans went haywire when my mom decided she was sick today. Craptastic. Not only that, but I have to drive 6 people......6 PEOPLE! Unfortunately, thats just how much my truck fits. -_-' But at least I don't have to go till noon and get out at 2. Stupid freshman had to go early. HAHA!
But anyway, I APOLOGIZE! I never got to anyones site, I'm sorry! I wish I could have! But Unfortunately, I never had any time to get on! Right now, schools starting though, so it should be easier for me to manage my time! I promise after I'm done typing, I'll go and visit everyone! I'm sorry again! I feel absolutely horrible! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm really really really sorry!
I have been really busy though I've been to three parties in the last four days. You know what that means? It means I've only had about 10 hours of sleep for the last four days. BLEH! Thats one of the reasons I don't visit, I've had all these parties, and when I'm home, I sleep. Then I wake up, find out I have a party to go to, so I go to it. Then I just repeat the cycle, until finally I have to go to school, which is today. BLEH! And then, yesterday, I didn't even get to sleep, I had to clean. BLEH!
But anyway, other than that, I've had to go to a workshop for leadership in band. It was actually pretty fun. THere were 18 of us, and we all went to valentino's! It was really fun! And I was the last one eating and they almost left me there! I had to grab my last chicken strip and run! I had 5 plates, and I was scooping my ice cream in my mouth, and they all left, and I still had part of my 5th place left! They all laughed at me when I dived into the suburban. It was fun though.
Well, if I'm going to visit everyone and get to school on time, I better get going. So, SEE YA! ^_^
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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Yoha guys. Been awhile huh? I'll visit everyone later today, I promise. I have good news! My friend was found yesterday! She had run away. I was almost 80% sure that's what had happened, but there's that little part that knows it might not be. But she'll be home by tomorrow, so thats the even better news! Anyway, I have to tell you all about band camp! It was interesting! Espcially when I locked myself out of my car during lunch break! Heh, man that was a fun time! ^_^
Lets see, oh, I still haven't told you about Arkansas have I? It was really fun! It would have been better if my aunt Karen was there, but it was still fun none the less! First we went and saw a really cheap movie, but it was pretty good! Then the next day, we went to Silver Dollar City! It was so much fun! I hadn't been there in YEARS! We used to go there every year, but lately we haven't been able to go. It had changed alittle, but it was still pretty awsome! Though I wish I could have gone on more rollarcoasters than I had.
Then we basically got some R&R for a few days. Then we stopped in Kansas before heading home! Now that was the ultamite fun! My brother and I got a room seperate from our parents! I mean complete other floor seperate! We listened to really loud music, and I had alot of old friends in that town, so we called over a few people! Man it was a party! And it made it even better that the next day we had to go to a wedding and partied it up some more! Man! I always love going back to my old town! Its always so much fun!
You know whats weird, I think I'll be able to update more once school starts. I've been doing so many things and worrying about so much, but once school starts, things are going to start being alot easier! I've only had five hours of conciousness in the last three days...and no, I'm not joking! Man, sleep feels amazing! I wish I could sleep more! That would be awsome! Meh, school will be awsome once it starts! Anyway, I changed the site again, I was getting bored of the no blood in my layouts again. Plus, I LOVE THIS SONG! HECK YES!
But other than that, not much else happened. I got a chobit dvd, and I got stuck in the mall. THat would be the end of my stories. OH! I have a really funny story aobut that! My friend and I were getting a pop, and one of them got stuck, so we're trying everything to get it out. We finally give up, go sit at a table, and a girl comes up from a few tables down, and kicks it, trying to get the pop out. So, after she trys, we watch people come by, look at it, get mad they couldn't get it out, and walk off in a huff! So this random guy comes up, gets his soda, doesn't notice the one stuck, so he is about to walk away. We start laughing at him, he askes why, we tell him about the soda, he tries, and gets it out on his first try! I felt like I was on some weird prank tv show! It was so funny!
Anyway, thats about all I got. Sorry if its not that entertaining, but I tried my best! I hope you all have a good day! I plan on sleeping most of tomorrow! I'll visit you when I wake up! SEE YA! ^_^

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Thursday, July 27, 2006
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Well, I kn ow how I always complain...but this one takes the cake for bad days. First, I have band camp, and unfortunately I woke up late, and I got there late, and almost got into a car accident. Then I hurt myself when I was at said band camp. On the way home I almost got hit again, in the same intersection! Then, I got a call from the of my friends has gone missing. She was supposed to be going to her moms, but she never made it there. I'm so scared for her.
I don't know if shes alright, or if she did this on her own. The last place anyone saw her was chicago. I am so scared. And it really brought things into perspective that she really is gone, and no one can find her when I got that police call. If it wasn't for that, I would be fine right now. But I'm so afraid, and so sad. I hope she's alright. I hope the next time I see her isn't in a casket...I think I'd fall apart seeing her. I'm already holding back tears. It doesn't help either that the last time I talked to her was early June. I....I....I hope she comes back.
Well, enough with this saddness! We must try to stay happy! Happy! T^T The one good thing about today is, I went to the mall with my friend amber! It was so mch fun! I haven't talked to her in so long! I missed that! Though she did steal away my ShutterBox manga. XP But ya, it was still alot of fun, though I didn't get to see my friend from EB Games. That was kinda sad. He's cool! Oh ya, I forgot to tell you about my trip to arkansas!...sorry, but this really just doesn't feel right, I'll have to tell you everything later. I hope you all have a nice weekend! I'll try to visit everyone after band camp tomorrow, though no promises cause with all thats happened just in the last day, I don't know what'll happen. I'll try as hard as I can to visit you guys though! Well, SEE YA!

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Friday, July 14, 2006
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
Yoha guys. I'm sad right now, cause I found out that my butt has grown in one year. Sorry if that was a very uncomfortable sentence to read...BUT ITS TRUE! T-T But enough of that. Sorry I don't come on much, but now I've started colorguard again, and off season soccer is going on too, but good news is I've finished softball. Woo! So thats some good news, so thats awsome! Now lets see...did anything else happen this week? Hm.....ya, something did...I LOST MY BEST FRIEND FOR A WHOLE WEEK! T-T
So went down to the lake of the ozarks, so all week I was best friendless! And she doesn't come home till later I can't complain to her about my butt being bigger! T-T But anyway, something funny happened to me this week as well. I was backing out of the driveway, heard a little bang, but thought nothing of it and kept going...well, I was halfway to the school, when I started hearing this noise. I thought it was my tires, so I pulled over and checked them, but the two on the drivers side where just fine, so I walked to the front of the car...and found my trash can under the was sitting there like it was a snowplow's front. I was wondering why that kid pointed and laughed at my truck.
Poor trash I have to buy a new one. -_- Oh well, at least I don't have to buy two new ones...but I did have to put the broken one in the back of my truck, so when I got to soccer practice, not only was I late, but everyone was watching me, so they all started laughing that I had a trashcan in the back...and I had to explain I was late due to said trash can. It was so embarrassing, but totally worth it, cause now I have a kick butt story!
Anyway, I changed up the site. I hated the last one, it was too high tech. I like this simpler its less work to have to worry about. Anyway, I still have alot of chores to do unfortunately...darn. But I hope your days are good, cause I won't be on until next thursday, cause we are going on vacation to my grandmas house, plus a wedding...which is how I found out my butt has grown...ENOUGH OF THAT! I'm complaining about it too much! Anyway, I hope you guys have a nice time. I'll try to get to people after my chores are done...but I can't promise anything...sorry! Anyway, SEE YA! ^_^

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Saturday, July 1, 2006
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2

Yoha guys! OMG! I HAVE THE MOST INTERESTING THING YOUR GOING TO HEAR ALL DAY! I'M NOT JOKING! MY FREAKING SCHOOL ALMOST CAUGHT ON FIRE! NO JOKE! AND I WAS IN IT AT THE TIME! It was really scary!...and now you are probably wondering why I am at school in the middle of summer. Well, the colorguard weight lifts in the highschool weight room, and we had just finished when the fire started. It was right in our fields. It started from a train, because we have tracks behind the school. It was scary! >.< I'd like to see someone top that!
Anyway, ya, thats the excitment that went on, other than that, the softball team got lost in Souix City. That was an adventure. We drove all the way through the city and ended up in the country, then we almost drove back through, but we stopped at a CHURCH to ask for directions. To say the least, a lot of people were staring at us. Then we completely passed the school and went into this really rich suburb. I mean, one of the houses was a CASTLE! I'M NOT JOKING! A REALLY CASTLE! It was so cool looking! We all wanted to stop there for directions...but since we knew where it was there was no point. Then we couldn't find the softball feilds, so we spent HALF AN HOUR trying to find the softball feilds. It was an adventure to say the least.
Lets see, anything else happen since I updated?, I don't think I can think of anything...actually, a senior visited me yesterday. She had just gotten back from europe. She had so many stories to tell, and it was a fun time. OH! I haven't told you about the horribly rotten day I had on tuesday! A cement truck blocked me into my driveway to start! THen I burned my foot...yes, I BURNED my FOOT! Then, I had a softball game, that we lost by the way...horribly! You try swinging a bat with a burnt foot, it doesn't feel good. ANd then the scoreboard for the game quit, and I'm in charge of that for one of the games! Then, the phone line went off, and I got stuck behind an RV that was trying to get into a drive way! IT WAS SO HORRIBLE! But I'm better now, it was only one day!
So that is my completely random post! I'm sorry that I don't update that much, I just forget alot of the times. Otherwise I would. I'm just such a scatterbrain! I even forget what my name is some days! Man thats embarrassing to ask in the middle of class what my name is. Anyway, I've had more sugar than normal today plus I'm more awake right now, thats why I'm so upbeat! Plus, I've been listening to alot of J-rap. I'm addicted to it! Its just really good! The funny thing is that I can't stand American hip hop, but I like J-rap...I'm alittle screwed up in the head!
Anyway, I've made this plenty long enough, so I'll visit you all later today! SEE YA! ^_^
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