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The middle of nowhere, Iowa
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I go by many names, but you can call me Shenron
Standing my parents for 4 years of my life, and being able to play bass quitar well
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Yami no Matsuei, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto Shippuden, sukisyo, and The Wallflower
Goals...I don't really have any. I just go with what I'm handed.
Sports, hanging with friends, playing playstation, and playing bass guitar
Aren't achievements and talents the same thing?
Monday, October 3, 2005
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2

Yoha pimps and Madams. How are ya'll today? Today was interesting. Our group stayed after school to talk today, cause we are never able to get together lately. Its kinda sad. I also found out that my best bud Tristan is a Senior. That saddens me. Why do Seniors have to leave? I want life to stay just as it is. Tristan brightens my day, and hes leaving me at the end of the year. And Dani's leaving too. This saddens me. And Nicks leaving, and Emily, and Aleesha, and Michelle, and and and...Thats so sad! T_T Anyway, ya, I'm just going to have to enjoy them while they are still here! Thats my decision!
Anyway, today my calves still hurt! And I had to walk around school with them like this. It was a painful day. I also threw my flag, and it came right down on my calf while I took a step. Oh man, that really hurt. And my back has started to hurt too. I have problems. Oh! I have another story! I've been doing alot of junk lately (obviously -.-') And I'm getting really tired. Well today I fell half asleep in American History, and I started dreaming, but I heard everything the teacher said. There was music playing, and I was taking notes or something in my dream, and all of a sudden my friend Sara came, grabbed me and dragged me. (this is all in the dream by the way) Well, while she was dragging me, we jumped onto or off of something, and my legs kicked out from under me during class, while I was dreaming, and it scared me, so I jumped a mile high, and almost screamed. It was freaky, and everyone in the class was staring at me. Even the teacher. I just smiled and waved and went back to my notes.
Has anyone ever had that happened? It doesn't have to be at school, its happened to me while I was about to fall asleep, except that time I jumped off a log, and my legs just kicked out while I was laying in bed. Its the strangest feeling. And my legs started hurting right after it happened. Darn that soreness. So ya, everything is going ok, and I can finally relax. WE GET FRIDAY AND MONDAY OFF! WOOT! But Saterday I have another compitition in Plattsmouth. -.-' Great. Oh well, I won't have to parade march there. Marching band, the only place you can be really sore, and go to an exotic place. AL (our rival school, along with like four other schools) is going to England or France or something like that this year. We don't know where we are going yet, but Hendo promised we would go somewhere.
SO ya, I still want my money, but on saterday after the compitition I'm going over to my friends grandma's house and help clean her basement, then me and my friend get to stay there and eat junk food, and watch movies, and sleep there till who knows when! Wow...I should probably stop talking. I'm like, ranting really badly. Oops. Ok, well, I should probably stop, I have a review packet due tomorrow for Biology. And I have to study for my test as well. GAR THE TESTNESS! Anyway, ya, I'm doing it again, so I'm just going to stop myself now. I'm gonna go now, SEE YA! ^_^ WOOT! Sorry, I'll actually go, SEE YA!
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