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The middle of nowhere, Iowa
Member Since
Real Name
I go by many names, but you can call me Shenron
Standing my parents for 4 years of my life, and being able to play bass quitar well
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Yami no Matsuei, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto Shippuden, sukisyo, and The Wallflower
Goals...I don't really have any. I just go with what I'm handed.
Sports, hanging with friends, playing playstation, and playing bass guitar
Aren't achievements and talents the same thing?
Sunday, June 25, 2006
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2

Yoha guys! Sorry its been so long since I updated, but I kinda forgot when I actually had time to update! I'm so sorry! But good news is...well, I don't really have good news, but oh well. As of late, I have been going to softball, which has been really horrible cause its really hot, and really annoying out side cause it hasn't rained in a long time. MAN! I like the rain! Oh well, I also started colorguard practice, it was rather difficult. I hate having to learn new routines, especially dancing ones. I was not made to be a dancer, thats for sure. Oh well, I'll survive I suppose.
Anyway, today I went to a party, and our block had its yearly garage sale. See, every year, everyone in the neighborhood has a garage sale, and we publisize to everywhere in Council bluffs, and in some parts of Omaha, and theirs a whole bunch of people in the neighborhood, thinking about how weird it would be to live in this neighborhood. But ya, as for the party, it was over in glenwood...for those of you who don't know the layout of Iowa, its bout 15 minutes away from where I live, and its a really small town, which means, everyone is way different from the people in cities. Anyway, everyone there is really friendly...they kinda scare me. Especially when you don't know anyone there and they all start asking you what their name is and if you want to be their friend. In the city, you would just be ignored until you said something.
Those people where just way too happy, it made me really agitated when I got home, and it was a pool party, so I was really cold and wet as well. And these guys were starting to get annoying as well. Oh well, it was a fun time none the less, and I made freinds in Glenwood. SO everythings weird again. Oh ya, if you hadn't noticed, I changed the site. If you don't know how to get out, just click on backroom on my welcom sign, it'll take you back to the origin page. But thats about all I got. I started writing again, so thats whats starting to take up my time again, I just have way too many ideas going through my head. Its hard to keep them all straight for whats going where.
Anyway, I just have one more thing to rant about, and that is that I have changed alot since I made this. I went back and looked through alot of my old posts. Its strange how things have changed. I used to be all hyper, and happy. Now I'm alot more calm, and I think things through, and I'm not getting as hyper anymore. Oh well, I'm sure things change for the better, not the worst. Well, I'll visit everyone later today, for now, I'm takin a nap. I promise I'll visit everyone if I get my room clean. Well, SEE YA! ^_^
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