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The middle of nowhere, Iowa
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I go by many names, but you can call me Shenron
Standing my parents for 4 years of my life, and being able to play bass quitar well
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Yami no Matsuei, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto Shippuden, sukisyo, and The Wallflower
Goals...I don't really have any. I just go with what I'm handed.
Sports, hanging with friends, playing playstation, and playing bass guitar
Aren't achievements and talents the same thing?
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
This theme is:
Quote of the however long I feel like:
I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2
yoha. This is going to be kinda a depressing post, so I apologize at the start. Even though I haven't been on in forever, its really good to see everyone again. ^_^ I'll start with some good stuff since that'll make it seem less depressing. Well, The plays almost over! YAY! Only about a week left of it! Isn't that awsome! I can't wait for it to be over, then I'll actually have time to myself! Today I had a day off too, its amazing! Its going to be sad, but good at the same time. I don't know how to describe it, but that also means I'll be on more often! YAY!
Ok, now the depressing part. My Granma died on Sunday. Ya, its sad, and yes, I was close to her. I miss her alot. Its just really depressing me, and I can't get any school work done. I hate it, I just want to go back to when I was a freshman. Everything seemed easy then...actually, I want to be 4. That was the best year ever. I want to be 4 years old, then I would have no responsibilities, everyone I knew would still be alive, I wouldn't have any problems, and there would be no such thing as school. Plus I wouldn't have moved yet, and I wouldn't have had anything bad happen.
The funeral for her is friday. Thats what depresses me the most. Its so close. And she's getting creamated, which means I'm never going to see her face again. It would have made things much easier if she had died in her house, or in the hospital...but she died on her way home from visiting me. My grandpa was driving home, cause they live 4 hours from us, and she died of a heartattack on her way home with grandpa. I feel horrible. I can't help but feel its partially my fault.
So ya, see why I said it would be depressing? Tonight we are going clothes shopping for the funeral. That just puts things in perspective. Its so sad how things work. I hate it. Its going to depress me so much when I go shopping, your not supposed to be depressed when you go shopping! OH well. I don't know, I'm sure things will start to get better. RIght? Right. Well, hope you all have a great day! SEE YA! ^_^

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