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myOtaku.com: Ramen-sama

Thursday, January 25, 2007

   Ahh. Teh Weekend
Well I'm not sick anymore, and I got all my make-up work! huuzzah!
Though it kinda sucks cuz on my bus we got new seats...and now I sit even closer to the betchs that cuz my suffering! Boo-hoo
That aside, I've been ok. It was good to fianlly go back to school, I guess I was getting bored.
I've now decided that I want to learn to play a musical instrument, like the piano! I love piano's and luckly my uncle is a master pianoist...or hes just realllllllllly gifted in mucic!
And I just kinda want to do something different, since I don't like sports and such.
Also I have a 'new' friend here on theO she just joined yesterday, so it would be super if you guys could drop by her site!
And on that note, I think I'll be ending that post, but with one last comment! Why didn't you guys post below? I only got 3 comments...and that makes me sad. I gave a link to a really good site!(Mochi*Mochi)...ah whatever.
I'll be sure to visit sites today!
Bye have a good eveing!

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