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myOtaku.com: Ramen-sama

Monday, April 2, 2007

   I'm alive! I think...
Some of my friends thought I was dead because I haven't updated in like...4 days. NO. My excuse is that I was too damn lazy to get on here and update and comment...instead I downloaded lots of yaoi manga, cuz I'm a perv like that...O.o

But other that I had a great weekend! WOOT!
I got some new pictures drawn that I will upload sometime this week...
I'm quite proud of them! One I did on Paint...which is actually fun to work with.
And I got layers figured out on my Photoshop, so gold star for me.
Hmmm...thats really all...so I guess I'll go visit sites now!
Love ya guys! T/.\T hehe its Itachi.

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