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myOtaku.com: Ramen-sama

Thursday, May 31, 2007

   Change is the wave of the future
So I have now officially graduated
from 8th grade!
~Does happy dance~
I got off with some extra
awards too!
A-B honor roll and
I'm a good pedestrian.
I just love that word,
Pedestrian. Its just kinda funny.

And then after the graduation
there was a dance.
It was sooo fun.

I broke out and jammed.
I danced alot with Spade Alchemist, and
my good friend/bus buddy/neighbor Katelyn!
Wow...you just had to be there.

And as you can tell,
I've changed my site.
I like it like this...
I'm on summer break now, so I should
be on here alot more.
I'll be playing around with my
site alot.
I'm off to visit sites.


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