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myOtaku.com: Ramen-sama

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hay Guyz :D
Waz up guys?
I don't even have an excuse for forgetting to post for so long...whatever.

So yesterday was by far the best Monday I have ever had! :B I mean it, it was amazing! I was all bubbly and friendly to everyone. And even my lunch period was good! (I hate my lunch period). So yeah...GOOD.

How are you all? Sorry I haven't been to your sites in awhile, so I'm probably behind on whats new in your lives. I feel like a stalker...with skillez.

I'm going to get a Belgium pen-pal! I have to write to them in French and they have to write to me in English...I think its pretty cool.

1. What have you got going on this week?
2. Do you feel amazingly awesome?
3. Do you feel like a stalker with skillez?
4. If you could have a pen-pal anywhere in the world where would they be from?

Bye. D:

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