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myOtaku.com: Ramen-sama

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

   Jolly Times in Wonderland!
Today was super fun! US history was so easy! but even though I have like 2 test in that class this week I'm happy! And for once PE was enjoyable! Because I got to sit out. *FLASHBACK MODE* The reason is cuz over the weekend, I hurt my knee(how and when i don't know...weird ain't it?!) And it was hurting real bad, so my mums wrote me a note (Deathnote!?) to excuse me from the running activity! Yahoo! And that was the first time I've ever NOT done something in PE! But I realized enjoyable PE is when you don't run! Hooray for lazy people! And tommorrow is that EXPLORE test thing...YES! Everybody's happy cuz we miss almost 3 of our classes! I'm happy! And the test is just to see were you are, and what you need to improve on...stuff like that. But it also gives you options on a future job. But I want to be a translater/interperter, cuz i have a strange interest in language! But i have this speech impediment(sp?) were i start talking to fast and my words get jumbled up. But i can easily avoid that if i just talk slowly...which i try to do, but don't...that much. Well anyway...Today=GOOD! Tommorrow=?
I like snapple! And deathnote kills people! Yipee!!
Comment=happy me!

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