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myOtaku.com: Ramen-sama

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

   I like...ramen!
Today I'm in a great mood! Even though i totally embarrsed myself in PE today! I now know that i suck at all sports!!!yes...
Well anyway, my aunt Ryn is staying w/ us right now to visit and stuff! She's so cool! And she likes anime and manga! Right now i've got her reading Loveless,xxxholic,and DNAngel! Bwahahaha.....ha.
And one last thing of interest is that today at school there was a scoliosis or whatever screening, and it turns out that i don't scoli-whatever! yippee! Well thats really all that happened today that was remotly interesting.................so yeah. See ya tommorrow. OH! Tommorrow or even tonight please check my fan-art thing cuz i'll most likely put some more pics up today.
Comment! It pleases me inside and have a good day!

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