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myOtaku.com: Ramen-sama

Thursday, October 26, 2006

   Happy Day!
Today...was good. First in History we went to the Com. Lab and I was able to finish my brochure project on time!Yay! And then in 2nd block(PE)...that was the only sucky part of my day...we had to run around the gym like 10 times cuz some girls were slacking off...damn. Then I got a massive headache, but still had to play basketball. Oh well I got over it. But I'm glad we only have 3 PE days left then we switch classes! Yippee.
3rd block went to the Com. Lab to study power-point project. Me and Near-.- are doing 'Kabuki Syndrome' its a really sad diesease, and my cousin has it...I'll try and post a picture some time. Well heres a picture of my best friend Reese...he's been my best bud since...*thinking* 3rd grade!Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Amazing ain't it...i hope the picture loads. Someday I'll try and post a pictue of my-self and Near-.-...if I can ever find one in like. Well thats pretty much it! Hope you like the picture and have a good night!

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