So today was awesome, had a sub. in PE! Thats good. Had a sub. in history. had a sub in, where are all the teachers. The only teacher here today was my math teach, mrs.lyons. We got to go to the computer lab in math and test out this new program the school got a grant for. It was awesome!! I only worked with it for about 30min, but it was fun! And I learned alot. Ahh, the miracle that is Technology!!*0*
And today I got to be a car-rider, and didn't have to ride the hoe/cow bus! Yippee, 10 bounus points to good day score! And in science we watched this really awesome video, about the human body,it was so cool. Most the girls where like 'Ewwwww, thats gross' And then I was like..."WTF, thats what you guys look like on the inside, so don't think your so special...grr" And my Sora/Roxas figures should be here either Monday or Tuesday!! YESSSS! And so conclude my happy day, now time to clean my room and visit sites!
Have a happy-dappy day! (kinda gay i know)
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