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myOtaku.com: Ramen-sama

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

   More laser fun!
So as I was saying...they just layered the dust...and then...yeah. Thats were I kinda zoned out...sorry.-.-;
But anyway the cafetria was awesome!! Thats what I was really looking forward too...hehehe. Me and Near-.- and SpadeA. got some Papa Johns pizza...it was yummy...in my tummy. But then we had to go. So sad. And when we were looking for papa johns i saw this one chicky reading a manga! I was all..."ZOMG!"
Then we found papa J. and that was that.
And you all seemed to like me and my buddies def. of yaoi! And when I told Spade alchemist about its popularity this morning, she asked "Did you mention my name? Since I'm the one that came up with it?!"(Its true) And I said no. So now I promised I would give her credit...(just in case she really does check my site to see if i did, hehehehehe) So there Spade! And also...Spadey is feeling sad cuz no one is visiting her site, so it would really make her happy if you signed her GB. But be careful, for she is forgetful and does not post regularuly...bad spade. But please visit her site...her rage is painful, for me!
So yeah, all in all an awesome and interesting day. Hope you all have a good evening and enjoy turkey-day!

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