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myOtaku.com: Ramen-sama

Thursday, December 28, 2006

PLZ don't kill me for the current BG theme! Its not gonna stay that way...I think. Maybe.
I'm mad cuz it didn't get the whole pic! It should say "NO PORN", but it cuts it off...oh well.
So Eragon was...OK. I give it a 3/5. They book still kicked the shit outta it! But its watchable.
I also made a banner...if ya didn't notice...I like it and its staying! So yay! Today I'm gonna try and convince my pop to take me to the Bookstore...cuz I want "Same Cell Organism"!(If your wondering WTF I'm talking about see below!) So hopefully we go. Also yesterday I saw the descent....OMFG! That movie scared the effing crap out of me. Yay, nightmares for tonight...
So thats about it...I guess.
*Huggles* Thanks for commenting! I love you guys!
PS: I add a new song, its called "Heaven Forbid" From 'The Fray'!
I love that song, so please listen if you have the time! *_*

~Viva La Yaoi~

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