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Friday, December 15, 2006

I'm kinda spacing around to today swiching to driffent sites at radom it's wried
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Hello Kitty Online World

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I have to go to bed now i wish everyone good night and oh i fogot to post the rules.
1: If i don't talk to you that dosn't mean I'm mad if i"m mad i will tell you.
2: it's ok to say hell or d*m but don't say anything do bad.
3: come to my site ofen and i will do the same.
Be nice if you don't like what you see don't comment.
4: don't be mean to somebody whos being mean to me unless i ask you cause they might just be joking.

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I hope you like it!
In the city of Nonda everything’s quiet; too quiet. Peaceful; too peaceful. But have you ever been out at night? Yes if your inside it seems the only noise is the sound of the crickets, outside there’s old gray crows mumbling, fierce growling, and sad lonely cats meowing. If you stay out past
midnight by the lake you often hear a little girl sobbing. Towns people say that a little girl was left by her parents because they were looking for a new house, but they never came back. Most people say that she died of loneliness but some people say she still lives there but no one ever sees her. So if you ever decided to take a vacation to the city of Nonda then be warned! Stay inside at night.

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adopt your own virtual pet!

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Animated Lust (Rated PG!) - Hiro Sohma

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i hope the picture posts
Hiro Sohma (Fruits Basket)

Human/sheep Human/sheep
Male Male
11 years old 11 years old
Blond Blond
Brown Brown
4'11" 150 cm
83.8 lbs 38 kg
Kisa's friend/Cursed Kisa's friend/Cursed
"You could at least say thank you or something! Geez!"
Aaron Dismuke Yuriko Fuchizaki

Fruits Basket Fruits Basket
This info came from Kelly, and was edited by yours truly (contact me). The image came from ???.

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1: If you were on a island and bring only 1 person with you who would it be? My dad.
2: Do you guys like me or do you hate me? i like myself yes.
3: do you have a pet? if so what is it? A cat named Ernest.
4: Whats your favorite website besides this? Runescape.
5: WHo is your best friend nick names are ok? Si rin a.

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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

adopt your own virtual pet!

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