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myOtaku.com: ramen elf

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Sunday, December 10, 2006

This comment if for all my friends on the otaku site that are very nice i will even list my new freinds! Ekedo [He is funny], Fruitbat [she is kindhearted and a good christan], LGA775 [He is nice and loves anime even though he's 24], Iostshinobi [funny and a freind of my sisters], Akiayuna [my sister], Midgardsormr [A nice new friend with a cool portifile], Reagon48 [A friend who has great taste and loves salior moon and animals], Sie-rin-a [My best friend who i know in real life and very nice], Usagi Otome. [A nice friend who hbas great taste in men and loves Inuyasa and Christmas! I hope everyone sees thre name
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Saturday, December 9, 2006

I really have to go to bed soon but I'm so hyper right now:"{ So if you see thsi messge before i go to bed do you have any tips? I wanna have enogh enjery to play with my hyper friend tommow?
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   No comments
I'm just letting you know if u don't hear comments from me thats not casue I'm mad it just means I'm busy. I will try to give a short notice if I'm going to be busy but sometimes i don't have time so beware
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Friday, December 8, 2006

   New visters
If you come vist my site and enjoy your time there I suggest you sing my geustbook before leaving and in return I will vist your site and do the same!

I hope everyone out there has a Merry Christmas and God Bless you all!

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Thursday, December 7, 2006

There is some cool websites i should suggest to you.
1:www.Runescape.com[ You can fight, cook, chat with freinds and pretty much do what ever you what.]
2: www.popularfront.com\snowdays [A site where you can chat and create your own snowflake.]
3: www.clubpenguin.com [A site where you can chat with your on penguin sota a younger kids site but it's cute!]
4: www.elouai.com if that dosn't work try www.elouai home.com. [A site where you can make your on doll!]

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Monday, December 4, 2006

I'm going to rest now bye
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I have Ashma right now but I'm on the computer casue it's easier to breath if i sit up. I can't sleep either casue I'm not tried so I'll just play a while on here.
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I just went to dinner with my dads friends from Singapour. it was fun
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Sunday, December 3, 2006

My friend Ekedo is having a contest. You are sopossed to write a Christmas song for anyanime you want. The winner will have their song posted on her site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go to her website for rules
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I'm sick right now I"m getting better though but I'm still coughing as a type:"{
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