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myOtaku.com: ramen elf

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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Funny harry potter video!

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I had my birthday party today! It was so much fun! I had my friends came over they seemed to have a great time too! We played with water balloons and and yummy Choalate with rasberry in the middle. We also had hot dogs for lunch i got some sweet presents too! I got a pink pillow with flowers on it it was from my friend's brother. I just met him hes nice. I also got a monkey dairy (With a lock on it^_^}, tiny monkey pencils, and hello kitty erasars. Those were from One of my friends a lot of people think shes shy but shes attly not that shy just she doesn't know what to say somtimes. also i got a lightweight dance pad and a heavy weight dance pad. from my grandma and my parents^_^ My sister got my yotasba volume 4 and Alice 4th volume 2. I got a drawing thing that with certain matrials. i already had that but most of the things got used up or lost so i got a refill^-^ it was from my friend and her brother. I also got a baby ruth bar and a purse and a old card game lol^-^ it was from my very very odd friend! He didn't get me a card and he said he was sorry so he said here u can have this cobra and he gave me toy cobra LOL! Then i got a barns and noble gift card from my best friend Si-rin-a
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Greeting card i made

Hosted By theOtaku.com.I made this greeting card feel free to send it or comment

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Sorry i havn't made a post in a while i will try to make a post everytime i can. ANyway hope you like the vid!!My friend slept over for 2 nights! Today me, her, and my sistera went to the beach! It was so much fun we boggie boarded and swam and stuff. After she left My friend Betsy came over and we went to inn and out together! Then she came to my house and we watched youtube vids! Yes it was a fun day!
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Sunday, July 22, 2007

   Hello people
Sorry i havn't made a post in a while. I was still hanging out on otaku though. Anyway My summers been pretty good for me. My friend came over yesterday! She just came back from drama camp. She was going to do the skerk 2 play but her director didn't have the rights to do it because they though it was too new so they had to do skerk 1. Sorry if i spelled skerk wrong.heres a vido All the random things that shows up are like Sarkas dariy
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

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Sunday, July 8, 2007

Hello this is Ramen Elf and i just want to tell everyone that I'm back from Camp! It was really fun! I went on something near the lake called the Zip line! Its wear you hold on to this little bar that goes across the lake and a person Yells "Let go!!!" and of course you well.. let go! Then you fall into the lake! Its so much fun it seemed scary so i chicked out the first time^_^' but then i came back and it wasn't as scary as I thought. I also went Swimming in the pool! I jumped off diving board and stuff! I made 3 friends. i met twins too. It was hard to tell them apart0-0 later i could by the way they dressed but every morning i had to ask to make sure i was right. It was sometimes hard to sleep at night because the girls in my cabin were yelling a whole whole lot. On the last day the consler said that we could use our flaslights. But we could only wisper and only yell if its a emencey. Anyway one of the girls saw a single ant and she was yelling a lot over a tiny single ant!!! a stupid ant!!! All the girls saw it and were howling at the top of there lungs!!! Me and my friends were like, "Come on its just a stupid bug just squish it" But they said, "No it will eat our finger!!!!!" They called the consler and she came to see whats worng and the conseler was about the squish the bug but the girls were saying, "No it will eat your finger get some bug spray!!!!!!!!!" Why do you need bug spray for 1 ant???? The consler said, "If you don't want me to squish it then go to sleep. The girls didn't want to sleep because they were afraid the bug would eat them or somthing^_^ So yeh

Also there was this guy who was 14 but looked like he was 8 lol! He hit on all the pretty girls. When he liked a girl he would wink and go "Whatsup?" He did that to me but i don't know him that well so i said "I'm afraid of the ice cream man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Just to scare him and he said, "I'm afraid of you" and walked away. Lol i can't tell you all the fun i had because then you would keep reading so bye!

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Sunday, July 1, 2007

I'm going to summer camp for a week tomorow. I just decied i would say goodbye on here and let u know you won't see me for a week. Please respond so i will have a smile on my face when i get back. Anyway Please don't miss me..(ok you can miss me) lol I'll miss you guys even though i'll be having a blast at camp!!!!
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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Need a Snow Day?This is a website that i was totlly attached to. Now i'm starting to like it againu should try it out
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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Ranma Rulez!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket HEres a card i made for your Ranma Rulez! I hope you like it! Please respond to it and tell me if you love it or hate it.
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