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I passed my swimming test in level , scared people, won tickets to the Delmar fair when i was five, and became famous in my dream!
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8 i wasme fan younger but i didn't know it. Becaue i liked pokemon and digimon. a ani
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Fruits basket-Karin/chibi vampire-Inuyasha, Naruto, All mazaki flims! Air Tv, Tsubasha, Azu manga Dahio, Stawberry Mashmellows (Manga now) Fruits basket, chibi vampire, naruto, bleach, Alice 19th, Girl Got Game, Wish, I geuss thats it when i think of more
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Friday, June 15, 2007
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Momiji backround

Nothing like a good backround change. Alot of times I ask people if i should change my backround and they say, "No its fine as it is" but i change it anyway because i always feel life it. Anyway i don't think I'm gonna get tried of this one for a lonnnnnnnnnnnngggggg time! Because I love Momiji! If you love momiji too thats nice but hes MINE! I know edeko will love this backround. In fact whoever comes to my site respond to this messge.
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Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Hunny cute!

Name: Mitsukuni Haninozuka
Nickname: Hunny! (which is very cute)
show: Ouran host club
Age: ???
Job: Host.
Best friend: Mori
Likes: Cake, rabbits, sweets, and other cute things.
Personlity: cute, nice, cheerful, childish, and senitive.
Cool thing: Is a black belt
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Sunday, June 3, 2007
This post is decated to the boyfriend of my sister. His accont name is Anythingyoulike. He is cool and nice. My nickname for him is Onee-chan. He is seriosly the coolest and i think heloves crows. SInce i can't find a crow i will give him this puppy
Please take good care of the puppy. I think you will have fun. Just don't let him flirt with you other dog Becky. He will do that becasue i heard her had a thing for your dog! Anyway Oncee_chan please respond to this! Just a post letting you know that your the greatest! Oh i love the avi you gave me and you can probley see that for how long i had it lol
Crow: HI Anything you like!
Anythingyoulike: Crow i love you *grabs crow and kisses it* My true love
Crow: 0_0 thats what i get for saying hi? odd.....
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Friday, June 1, 2007
heres my sisters site if this doesnt' work i will find anthor link.
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Sunday, May 27, 2007
Summer is soon and i am happy but I sota wish i had more time. Its not like i like school or anything it's just that my chrush was sick the other days so i didn't have time to bond with him more and i have little time to tell him how i feel and hes not going to this school next year. I plan to get his e mail because i had a dream were i did and e mailed my love to him lol! and then i saw him in the park the next day and he asked me out and before i could say yes the dream ended. Hopefully my dreams are trying to tell me somthing. OH well i geuss for now i'll just wait till the time comes when i tell him and say Hakuna matanta! Sorry sorry i'm just odd in case you havn't noticed. Anyway remember my turtle contest heres some qestoins.
1: Am i ever mean?
2: If i yelled at you over somthing stupid would u still be my friend?
3: How long have you been on otaku?
4: What do you want to be when you grow up?
5: IF you could date any anime charter which one?
6: Do you have any anime plushies?
7: Do you watch fruits basket?
8: Do you like goign to my site?
9: Hows my backround?
10: Do i need to change it? IF so what to?
11: Have you ever confessed your love to somone?
12: If so how did it go?
13: If i died and my will said that all my stuff went to you whould you be happy that you got my stuff or sad that i died?
14: What color is your computer?
15: Ever used a laptop?
16: Have you had breakfast yet?
17: What are you doing this summer?
18: EVer gone to camp?
Well thats all i'm gonna right have fun! OH i almost fogot!
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
My avatar on gaia

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Monday, May 21, 2007
I got up early to get ready for school and now all i have to do is eat breakfast and brush my teath. I keep wanting to get there early soi can talk to my crush becaue he comes early alot so mabey i can this time! and least if he comes early. Oh and it was my mom and dads anniversary yesterday and they liked to card i gave them. Anyway heres so quick qestoins.
1: Do you like to be early from school?
2: Do you like school?
3: Do you have a chrush at school? if so what is his/her haircolor?
4: Have you every almost died?
5: If so how?
6: What do u think of my turtle contest above?
7: Is your B day soon?
8: Are you my friend?
9: IF so do you want to be?
Ramen elf and all the people in my head Yumi, Sasoko and Lulu are gonna ansew thease qestoins so yo can tell about them.
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Friday, May 18, 2007
 Hello everyone i have a acconment!
I'm having a contest about who can make the best comic or fanart of a turtle who has no friends. This may seem odd but it will give me a laugh. Try to make it a little summer themed. The contest will end on june 26. Don't put it off you should start working now. The winner will get a whole sit dedcated to them. When somone wins i will ask them what they like and add that on a site.
Fanart rules:
1: You can have speech bubbles or though bubbles in your fanart.
2: After your done put it on your site or pm me the link.
3: No yahio and Yuri please. unless its for comedy but you have to tell me what it is.
4: Don't have anything in your fanart beyond The Otaku rules.
5: I will not give out my email so don't ask me for it. just tell me when yu summited the fan art.
6: IF you have any qestoins pm me.
Now here are the rules for Comics.
1: Comics must be no more then 2 pages.
2: No yahio or yuri.
3: When you are done Pm me a link.
4: You will most likly lose if you comic is just "i'm a turtle i have no friends"
5: Try to make the comic somwhat funny. IF you can't thats ok.
6: If you have any qestoins pm me.
7: You can't have anything in your comic beyond the Otaku rules
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Monday, May 14, 2007
Today i went shopping with my mom and sister because they were having a sale and we needed new swimsuits. Not many of the outfits would fit me but i liked them. I'm not blaming my sis but my sis needed some new pants or whatever and i waited a long time! We left at 2 and came back at 5! - _-
For all you people out there who love shopping and shopping for 2 to 5 would be heaven i'm not making fun of you or anything just I only like to shop for a short ammont of time then if its long i get so bored! i wanted to sleep in the store.. If it was a anime shop i'd shop from 2 to midnight! 
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