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myOtaku.com: ramen elf

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

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Today is Halloween YAH! I was sick so i couldn't come to school today but now I"m a lot better! I'm going to Dress up as a hola girl! My cat keeps attacking my grass skirt T_T *cries* LOL. Anyway I hope your costumes go well. I know some of you are too Mature for Dressing up but if you are dressing up hope it goes well! My older sister is being Elda from Chibi Vampire. Heres a picture of her.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketShe is a vampire if you don't know the show/comic Karin/Chibi vampire you should really look it up its so cool and funny! Its about A girl that lives in a family of vampires but shes the total oppistite of vampire! She Doesn't suck blood she Gives blood! For more details on the show look it up on Wikipedia or somthing. Anyway hers qestoins
1: Are you gonna dress up for Halloween? (HECK YAH!)
2: Have you heard of Chibi vampire/Karin? (YES I TOLD YOU ABOUT IT)
3: Whats your favorite kind of candy? (I don't know i like millons like driffrent types of Candys B Butterfingers for candy bars Pixi sticks stuff like that!
4: Whats your favorite mood emote you like to use? (Evil)
5: Do you like Vampires or Zombies better? (Vampies^_^)
6: Would you rather Eat a flipflop or Sing the potty training song "I'm a big kid now" On a stage in front of THOSAND PEOPLE? (IDK probably SIng i'm a big kid now)
7: Do you like shopping? (Its ok)
8: Do you like video games? (I LOVE THEM)
9: Do you love me? (I do like me)
10: Whats your nickname? (I don't really have one)
11: Do you love momiji? (Yes i love him)
12: Do you like my new backround? (Yes i like my new backround very much)
13: Are you a boy or girl? (Girl)
14: Would you consider yourself girly or manly? (A little big of both)
15: Do you like dragons? (Yes i love them!)
16: What does your backround look like? (Look around you)
17: Do you like ansewing qestoins? (Yes)
18: What are the best sites? (Otaku, Gaia, and runescape
19: Have you ever kissed a boy/girl (Yes but it was when i was 8 i kissed my friend on the hand but it wasn't because i liked him it was because he was annoying me so i kissed him on the hand so he would go away lol.)
20: 20 20 20 20 No anyone whos excalaly 20. (I think so but i don't know who)
21: Whats your favorite animal? (Dragon and monkey)
22: Whats your favorite color? (Green)
23; Whats your favorite Number? (8)
24: Do you know anyone on my friends list? (I know all the people on my friends list)
25: Will you read My sister Manga called "Kojis Corner)? (OF COURSE)
26: Do you know my sister Akirayuna San? (I know my own sister)

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