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myOtaku.com: ramen elf

Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas contest more time
My Christmas contest passed but i only got one entry and so I'm giving you till February 1st. Lot of time heh?. Anyway also I will have 1st, 2rd and 3rd place. Here are the prizes
1st: A whole site dedicated to you, a picture of how you want to look in anime as your avitar.(IF you hate my art my sister will draw for you my less recent art kinda sucks but its getting better so at least let me draw before you decide you want my sister to draw for you), A post in your honor and your picture you drew on my site.
2rd: A picture of how you want to look in anime and a post in your honor and your picture you drew on my site.
3rd: A post in your honor and your picture you drew on my site.

If you don't know about or don't remember the contest here are the details.

contest Christmas Contest
I"m bored so i decided I would open a Christmas Contest. The contest is i want you to draw a person from a anime getting really upset about the gift they got! They could be, opening the present and seeing and and getting upset, yelling at Santa Claus
or whoever gave them a gift of how much they hate it, or thowing the gift away. IF you have any other ideas don't be afraid to use them i was just giving excamples! However there are a few rules
1: You can only have Yahio or Yuri if its for the sack of funny but you have to cheek with me.
2: No nakedness, Hinta, or anything like that
3: NO cursing
4: You can have a volince in here but please no gore..... This is a funny little contest add nose bleeds if you want but not gushing with blood and gore
5: it has to be a existing anime
6: don't steal anyone elses drawing it has to be your own
7: If you want to enter enter don't be like "I can't draw too embrassed"
It can start after your done reading this and it ends on Feburay 1st.
The winner gets there artwork on the otaku site and gets a picture drawn of them but you got to tell me how you want to look in anime. if my artwork is to bad i will ask my sis she is really good!

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