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Spirit World
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killing ancient psychics
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I killed 99 psychics and took there powers muwahahahahaha
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since i watched yu yu hakusho
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Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Trigun, Cowboy bebop,
To get out of spirit world
killin ancient psychics
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Not to much happened today. We swam alot though and that is fun. Manda taught me how to swim underwater though. I had problems staying underwater but dont so much now. YeY! Anyway i woke up at like 5:30 this morning and finally went back to sleep after 7:30. I had a odd dream about a house catching on fire and getting shocked trying to cut a light on. Hmm then i had a even stranger dream about a corndog commercial. I think it was a corndog commercial anyway it was a commercial for some kind of food wearing a cape and then i was thinking *i wonder what time it is * so i woke myself up reaching for my watch. Which i couldnt see because i had just woke up. I had a dream about a commercial before, it was a stouffers one and it showed a boy standing at the stove boiling fruitypebbles (lol) and his dad comes in and sits down at the table and then the screen went black and it said stouffers, nothing comes closer to home. Then it went back to the man and he said "its better than eating boiled cereal." It cracked me up though and if i knew how to give the stouffers people the idea of it i would but i dunno.
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Yesterday after i posted me and Amanda went riding around again and theres like this bump in the road and she hit it going pretty fast and it was really fun. Then she hit it again later going a little bit faster and she had a cup of water and went all over the place so i was wet from it and my cup which only had only like one peice of ice flew out of its cup holder and then the cup holer had water in it from her cup. ^_^ it was fun. We saw those guys again and we honked at em again as we drove by and started laughing again and i looked back and the older guy had his arms in the air looking at us. It was funny. I dunno though maybe we have odd ideas of fun and funny. But before we went on an adventure and there are alot of ranches aorund here and we took wanted to know where this one road went so we were going down in it and ended up on a ranch. A REALLY big ranch. After we drove down the road for about 8 miles or 10 miles we turned around and went back and i told my dad about it and we could have been out there for hours if we would have kept searching for the end of the road. And anyway we went to her house to get hot pockets mmmmmmmm. We were sitting there eating them and the phone rang so manda answered it. When she moved her hotpocket nearly touched her foot because she was sitting indian style on her bed and it was one of those machine-telemarketer-thingys and she started talkign to it. it cracked me up because she was like "you know what.... you nearly caused my hot pocket to touch my foot you peice of crap for a machine!" and then hung up. It cracked me up though, shes kinda crazy liek that, but hey i am to. I would talk to 'my precious' (myself) in the store just to see how people would react. I talked to myself about some paper towel rolls and a fire exstiguished and a bunch of other stuff. And i was walking with my sister and there was this group of guys behind us and i was just argueing away with myself and emberassing jenni. It was great. They were laughing at me to apperantly -i didnt know they were there- i think i may have even slapped myself who knows- but not hard of course-. People probably think i am crazy but o well crazy is fun.^_^ Which also reminds me of when me and amanda went to walmart not long ago and she got into a buggy and i was pushing her around. People were laughing at us. And some chick told her she was to big for the buggy lol. Then we got some m&ms and went to layaway. And we were all likev "we need to put these on layaway" and the chick laughed and said "are you serious?" and we were liek nah and took off. Manda bought the m&ms and we ate em. mmmmmm. the kind with peanuts in em. My cousin ben was with us and he found a big pink cowboy hat and tried it on. it was funny. And mandas brother said he didnt know me and manda because she was riding in a buggy and yet he saw a tinker bell shirt and started talking about how she was a stoner or summin like that. Hmm and then after we left walmart we went to this chinese restuarant and i payed for me, my oldest sis and manda and mistie and jared to eat and it was really nummy specially the mushrooms. mmmmmm. me and manda want to go back now but we havent gotten a chance to. It was really nummy though. It costed like30 or 40 dollars though i cant remember but i got 10 dollars off. I think the chick did it by accident though which really confused me but i wasnt going to argue. Anywayz after i went to sleep i woke up a few times and then got up finally and manda came over and then while i was in the shower they all left me and went and got some hamburgers. mmmmmmm. but they also got a ice cream cone but since i wasnt there i didnt get one but o well i went and got me a nutty buddy out of the freezer yummy. I also learned some songs on the piano. It would have been really easy for me before, whenever i was in band because i played the bells and its the same. Well except for one your hitting it with a stick thingy and the othere your pushing button thingys.
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Monday, May 9, 2005
![]( Ok so today i got up at about 8:30 i guess and then later manda came over and then we went riding around and then parked at my house. We were listening to the radio and then these dudes that were working on telephone poles and as they were coming closer to the pole in my yard i got the idea to honk for a joke because we saw them earlier as we were driving around and they looked like 0s-30s or summin like that and not something that would originally get honked at so as they drove by the truck me and manda honked and jenni was slightly emberassed i think because she was the one in the driver seat. And so we sat there for a while and they worked on the poles behind us. When the got through with the poles behind us though they drove back by so i honked again and we started laughing. And the skinny younger looking dude was all sitting upright and looked as though he thought he was all that and it was just so funny. And then my mom got back from the store with ice cream YEy!! And now were watching bedazzled, really funny.
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
Well today was pretty fun sept for waiking up at 4:30 and having to put dogs out of my room because my sis let them in my room again. But since it was mothers day we all went to my grannys and ate some tater salad and cake. That doesnt go very well together though plus some of them ate beans but i dont like beans so i didnt. Then me and manda left and went riding around and then we went swimming in the pool. Then we went and got some chips and dip and went riding around again. And there was a calf in the road and it ran out infront of us and manda nearly hit it and then it was running infront of the truck and finally it got out of the way so we took off again. And mandas driving scares me sometimes ~no offence manda~ but it does. And now im home YEY eating neopalitan ice cream~ nummmyy
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
My neice and nephew came and stayed the night last night and since i had stayed up all night the night before i was exhausted but i managed to make it to a lil after 9 before going to bed. My neice slept with me and i thought she was never going to go to sleep because she kept asking stuff like wheres jenni? wheres manda? wheres bubba? wheres granny? and then saying she wanted her momma and that she wanted to get back up and she was flopping and so i couldnt go to sleep. But finally i got her to sleep and went to sleep. Then we woke up at like 5:30 but we didnt get up till after 6. It was all stormy ^_^then Jared and Mistie (nephew and neice) wanted to go hunting and since my parents were about to leave and my sis(dajenbug) had stayed up all night so she was asleep that left me. So me and Jared and Mistie went looking for summin and had a bbgun. Well ive only shot a gun once before and all i did was pull the trigger so i had to just go by what i know and figure it out and it was on safety and i was trying to shoot it (even though there was nothing to shoot but i had to shoot to keep them happy) but then i figured it out when i looked at it closer. We eventually just shot at some stuff(they wanted shoot the flowers)i let them pull the trigger a couple of times and then we ran out of bbs so we went home ^_^. Then we jammed to cotton eye joe (Jared calls that his song)and then i was brushing my hair cus i had just washed it and was still watching Mistie and Jared and in the few seconds i looked away to brush my hair Mistie found some muscle rub and put it in hur pull up. Poor kid. But i put her in the shower to wash it off. And now Manda ~sharky~ is here. YEY!! someone to help me watch the kids. MUWAHAHAHAH! luckily though no dirty pull ups yet.
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Friday, May 6, 2005
I finally got a pic of my cute little kitten playing in the rose bushes but since my computer is crazy i cant post it o well. It been really foggy in the morning ^_^ i love fog! When me and amanda ~sharky~ went walking once in the fog we could barely see because it was really foggy and it was nightime and then my brother and his friend scared us because they hid in some trees and somehow managed to walk whenever we did and so we heard it and stopped and then, i think it was my brother first,he did then when we started walking again his friend did and his friend was farther away but was louder so it kinda sounded like a big foot was runnin around in the trees.
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
WEll today was interesting enough. I stayed up allnight and started my next quiz series ~In The Shadows~ which is about shaden or shadow people and it has the friends of the chicks from my other quiz so that they are linked together ~2 drunk chicks and a cape man~. Then i let manda read it cus she came over at about 8:30 am and she hadnt slept either and she liked it to and then ofcourse wanted me to make the next one. Which i am working on right now while i update and eat popcorn and listen to music. Anyway then we went and checked the mail and ate some hot pockets mmmmm. which for some reason reminds me of whenever me and manda were sitting in their truck eating hot pockets listening to the radio and there was this oldish dude taking his trash out an he was digging in the dumpsters. And he took a bag out of one dumpster and put it in a different one. Lol. anyway then we went riding around and then to our grannys and ate some breakfast there to mmmmmmm. Then went to our homes cleaned up then went to bed. I was woke up about 4 hours later i believe to my sister letting all of these wet dogs into mah room and they got in bed with. So i had like 1 relaly big dog and 3 medium sized dogs and 3 pups that are a few months old so there not small. I also had my cat Snork adn i was about to fall off of my bed had Snork lying on top of me and a bunch of little puppys trying to get in bed with me. AAAAAAAAAAh! needless to say i never got back to sleep.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Not to much happened this weekend. Computer broke, got a swimming pool, nephew came and stayed a couple of nights, went and played pool (I WON ONE!!!! and played once or twice) Went for rides and went swimming even though i was already kinda cold. Had fun. And now its cold. And one of our dogs got ran over =( and his brother (my dog) is really sad and pretty much just sleeps in my bed all day and all night. And he was all whining it made me so sad.
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Friday, April 29, 2005
Ok so last night was intersting enough. We looked at some stuff online, like MITSUBISHI ELIPSES ^_^ love that car. and then we went and jenni read us a story. lol. one shes writing anyway that shes using me and sharky as shaden characters. and then me and manda(sharky) started 'fighting' it was fun but her nose started bleeding so we had to stop. and then she went to sleep but i couldnt sleep till after 7 am. For some reason i got hyper. and there was this cricket that kept makign noises and i wanted to go ot sleep so i cut my lamp on and saw one adn i was like grr so i went and it stopped when i got close to it and so i squished it and then went back to bed and then it started again. I KILLED THE WRONG ONE!!! adn so i cut teh light back on and found the one that was making all the noise but it got away. It hid behind the thingy my stereo sits on so i couldnt get to it and had to listen to it.@_@. the interesting thing is that the same thing happened to jenni. TTYL,
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
Nothing really happened today. I gave our puppies a bath and now sharky wants me to make brownies. My cousin came over though and scared dajenbug (again)and then cracked us up tellign us about when he found sharkys brother passed out in the barditch and then took him to the snake house (or pool house) and layed him on the pool table. Then when he woke up he asked who had put him there because there had been a cueball under his back. LOL
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