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Monday, August 6, 2007
New Artwork 08-06-07
Ah, some of this isn't THAT new, but I forgot to add it here before. ^^;
 A Little Ooc...line Art Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Zos Kias-randy For Kojika Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Aralin Sketch Hosted By theOtaku.com.
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Thursday, August 2, 2007
Yeah, I finally got around to it...
Hey guys, I just finally replied to all my guestbook entries since last January. I seriously never check it, so they pile up quite a bit. I hope that no one took it personally that I didn't respond right away, and thanks to everyone who has signed it.
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Saturday, July 28, 2007
Otakon 2007 Con Report
Ok, so I'm FINALLY here with my con report. Overall I had fun, but I'm really upset about how fucked up the scheduling had gotten, which I'll explain.
We arrived sometime around 9:30am I think(I was a bit out of it), and were able to get our hotel room right away. After getting into costume, we went to go get our badges. I was dreading the line, but surprisingly enough, there was only one person in front of me. So I get my badge, and while doing so, found our from the pre-reg guy that I was the ONLY person at the con pre-regged who had my last name. O.o Interesting stuff.
So I wandered around a bit after that looking for *kojika, ~Urd-chan, *himeko and ~Sakura85, and eventually found them still waiting to get their badges. While waiting with them, ~Kyoushiro found us. After that we headed down to the Artist Alley(or as Otakon now calls it 'The Alley';), and got their table set up. Friday was rather uneventful, overall. *himeko and myself hit up the Dealer's room, and I finally got my own Cloud and Sephiroth Play Arts figures(I have Vincent and Squall, now all I need is Rinoa and Tifa, maybe I'll get Selphie too). =) I ran into one asshole though who pretty much called Riku a fag(pardon my language I don't mean to be offensive to anyone but he did use it that way), and myself a faggier version. Nice person huh? I mean, I perfectly well know I'm too small to pull off the really cool Riku look, so I opted for a cute more chibi like version with my mickey plush.
We headed back to the AA, and I sat behind the table on the floor for awhile, tired, lol. I tracked down ~Ani-Meg's table, but she had wandered off somewhere, so I left a message and went back to sit for awhile before finding her again. When I did, I commissioned her to do a Riku pin that turned out so cute!!!! =)
Anyway, *kojika and ~Urd-chan went off for Otaku Idol (which I heard was really screwed up as well), and I helped keep an eye on the AA table until *himeko, ~Sakura85 and myself decided to pack up and head back to the room.
Yeah, more cosplay! I was Riku still. :Urd-chan:'s Inuyasha panel was stuck at 9am(a HORRIBLE slot, esp. considering they weren't even letting people in the Convention center until 8:30), and they had it listed in the schedule for 10pm, with the only correction listed anywhere outside the panel room. So that was screwed up, and while everyone went down to that, I got ready and went to the AA to set up for them, since AA setup time was during the IY panel.
Well, here's where I get upset about the scheduling though. The main reason I decided to do to Otakon this year was because Tomokazu Seki, my second favourite seiyuu was a guest. The schedule book had his panel listed at 2:30pm. Everyone was saying it was moved to 3:30. I went down there at 2:30 to make sure I at least got in line or whatever, only to find out it had started at 2:00. =_= So I got to see the last 20 minutes of his Q&A panel, and I never got his autograph either. But those 20 minutes were definitely worth it. I got to hear him do both the seme and uke in an impromptu scene after someone asked a question about BL roles, he did Shuichi's voice(Gravitation) which was just too cute, and see him forget the words AND tune to The OVA Chichiri image song Mizu-Kagami. XD It was really weird that the girl requested that one though, as when she asked him to do a character song, my first thought was Mizu-Kagami. XD
Most of the rest of the day I hung around the AA, minus running little errands for people. I met Peri and Lucia(sp?) from SheezyArt(Peri found me because of Mickey =) )
Near the end of the AA time, ~PenPencil2 came by and hung around with *kojika, ~Sakura85 and myself for awhile, and then we went up to the karaoke room so *kojika could do a song. I wanted to sign up after her, but I was far too tired and getting a headache.
Oh man was I tired that day. I didn't feel like bothering with cosplay, one reason because of my wig is just a pain, and my normally straight hair would be all wavy and such after taking it off, and I didn't want to deal with that. I pretty much just sat behind the AA table with *kojika and ~Sakura85 the whole time. The left me in charge for a bit while running off to the Dealer's Room and I sketched a picture of *kojikas character Light in her sketchbook, lol. All the rest of the time I kept falling asleep though. I had brought Mickey with me even though I wasn't in costume and he was just oh-so-comfy to sleep on, lol.
Anyway, overall I had fun, but the scheduling mess was really irritating. Not to mention much of the staff was rude. I perfectly understand that they are tired and irritable dealing with all of this, but that is no reason to be rude to the con goers who are trying to get a little help from them, which is their job! I'm starting to get tired of this at large cons. ACen's staff was pretty bad this year, too.
Anyway, there will be pictures soon. I hijacked *kojika's camera while at the table. =P So once she gets those uploaded I'll link to them here.
I actually got a LOT of pictures taken of myself at this con, something that I'm not really used to, since I normally cosplay Hotohori. But I'm pretty sure that was all in part to Mickey, since many of the people taking my picture said the same thing: "Ohhhhh! You have a King Mickey! Can I have your picture with him?!" lol.
Anyway, that's it for now, I'm sure I've forgotten things. ^^;
Manga, and stuff.
For information about commissions, please visit my site here: http://www.freewebs.com/ranefea/ , and click the link "commissions" on the top. ^_^
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Monday, July 23, 2007
Post-Otakon 2007 - Return
I'm finally back from Otakon. 13+ hour ride home=death for me so I'm going to go sleep for a looooong while. When and if I wake up, I'll post my con report. =P
Manga, and stuff.
For information about commissions, please visit my site here: http://www.freewebs.com/ranefea/ , and click the link "commissions" on the top. ^_^
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
Pre-Otakon 2007 - Leaving
I'm leaving for Otakon soon! I'll be back probably Monday sometime! Until then, bye. =)
Manga, and stuff.
For information about commissions, please visit my site here: http://www.freewebs.com/ranefea/ , and click the link "commissions" on the top. ^_^
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Pre-Otakon 2007
So I'll be leaving for Otakon tomorrow. I've finally decided that I'm NOT bringing my Hotohori costume with. *gets shot* I don't think I'll be wearing it with how hot it's supposed to be, and it's supposedly going to rain somewhat too, and my boots for that costume aren't made for getting wet....at all. ^^;
Man, this will be the first con I HAVEN'T cosplayed Hotohori...it's going to be quite strange. >< But that just means I'll be cosplaying Riku all weekend. Which, I finished my Mickey plush's KH costume yesterday, finally adding the front zipper. =) If I can, I'll try to get a few pictures of just Mickey. I didn't do the best job on the outfit, but I still like it a lot!
As for my manga, yeah, I've been slacking. I should have gotten page 9 finished and up like, 2 weeks ago. ^^; But at least I did before I leave! I'll try to get at least page 10 up sometime next week.
Manga, and stuff.
For information about commissions, please visit my site here: http://www.freewebs.com/ranefea/ , and click the link "commissions" on the top. ^_^
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Saturday, July 7, 2007
New Artwork 7-7-07
 Past And Present Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Soren Reading Hosted By theOtaku.com.
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Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Siren's Song
I've finally begun my original manga, Siren's Song. Check it out here!
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Thursday, May 31, 2007
New Artwork 5/30/2007
 Vincent Valentine :-turk-: Hosted By theOtaku.com.
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Monday, May 28, 2007
New Artwork 5/28/2007
 Neji For 20000 Pvs Hosted By theOtaku.com.
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