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Sunday, April 1, 2007
Title Goes here
There is a lot going on. First off, I have only 5 weeks of classes left, 6 including finals week.
The weekend directly after finals, is ACen! Thanks to Kojika, I got introduced to Madmen(on dA), who needed a table mate in the Artist's alley. So, as long as everything goes accordingly, I will be in the Artist's Alley with her!
On the topic of ACen, I'm nearing completion of my Riku costume. I finished the pants last night. I need to add some minor details to the jacket, get and make the shoes, and cut my wig. Thats for the costume itself, though. I still have to start my keyblade.
I'll be doing my first individual speech in my communications class tomorrow morning. It's an informative speech, and I decided to do it on the topic of cosplay. I'm even bringing in what I have of my Riku costume as one of my visual aids. (I was thinking of wearing it, but not only would it be distracting, but at this point I would be getting stabbed with pins. ^^; ).
I think I might actually be passing math this semester. I got my second exam back last Monday and I got an 83%. That's the best I've done in math in a very, very long time. ^_^
Commissions and random other stuff.
For information about commissions, please visit my site here: http://www.freewebs.com/ranefea/ , and click the link "commissions" on the left. ^_^
New Artwork:
 Chibi Aralin Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Chibi Light Hosted By theOtaku.com.
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Sunday, March 18, 2007
Spring Break is Over...
This past week I've been on Spring Break...a break that has flown by far too quickly. It feels like I haven't gotten much done, and in fact some of the things I had hoped to finish are still left incomplete, or not even started.
I worked most of the week on the white and yellow jacket for my Riku cosplay, which, although there are still some details left unfinished, it is mostly complete, and for being the very first thing I have made like this that is completely from scratch, it has come out very, very nicely. It took much, much longer than I had planned, because my sewing machine did not like the softer material I had chosen for the yellow lining, and I then had to hem all of that by hand, which took quite awhile. Luckily the machine accepted it when I was attaching it to the white material. My wig came in last weekend, and it is a very nice silver wig. I still have to cut a few inches off of it, as it is too long for Riku.
I've barely started my animation project for my Flash class, all I have done are the basic sketches.
Ah...well...I'm off to start the homework I've procrastinated on this whole week.
+New Artwork+
 Swordsman Hotohori - Coloured Hosted By theOtaku.com.
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Sunday, March 4, 2007
New Artwork 3-4-07
 Deviantart 18000 -coloured- Hosted By theOtaku.com.
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Saturday, March 3, 2007
New Artwork 03-03-07
 Deviantart 18000 Thanks Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Swordsman Hotohori - Lineart Hosted By theOtaku.com.
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Friday, February 16, 2007
New work
 Tabletpractice:hotohoricolored Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Hosted By theOtaku.com.
In this one, I had to put Sasuke together from a series of screencaps, and then I still had to actually draw in a section of his mid torso. Can you tell?
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
-Snow Day-
Yeah, I got a snow day today! I seriously did not think college students got those, haha. But it helps a lot. I have some free time now, and since the school is closed, the two exams I was to have today will be postponed until Monday! A little extra time to study always helps. ^_^
For information about commissions, please visit my site here: http://www.freewebs.com/ranefea/ , and click the link "commissions" on the left. ^_^
+Newest Submissions+
It's been awhile since I last posted the thumbnails to my latest submissions, so some of these have actually been up awhile. ^^;
 Art Trade-fy Oc Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Oc - Raika Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Inuyasha Bookmark Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Sukisho: Yoru - Sketch Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Ffvii: Vincent - Sketch Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 First Tablet Drawing: Hotohori Hosted By theOtaku.com.
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Saturday, January 20, 2007
If you haven't seen that yet, you have to, it's too funny. "Charlie the Unicorn"
Anyway, I thought I would give a little update as to how my first week back at school went.
My Flash class (CGT353) is alright, we looked at some sites made with Flash, and some Flash cartoons. We also posted links to Flash sites we liked, and of course I contributed with the URL to Miyavi's official website. XD
I just can't wait until we actually start working in the program itself.
I found out that my OLS class is a hybrid course! (As in I go to class once a week and the rest in online). That wasn't mentioned when I signed up for that time slot, but oh well. My English 104 class was hybrid also, and by the end, I had gotten an A in the class, but I hadn't been too pleased with the course itself. Perhaps this one will turn out better. I'm a bit surprised, my instructor actually checked out my devArt page. So yeah, as an amendment to what I said in my last journal, all my classes might be boring except OLS. Hehehe ;P
COM 114 was interesting. Of all my friends taking the class this semester, only Kitty K.O. is in mine. I was hoping ObscurusAngelus or Red-Sakura: would be in there with me too, but Red-Sakura's class is the one right before mine, and ObscurusAngelus has it a different day. Oh well.
We did this thing where the class got in a circle and asked each other questions to get to know each other better. It was pretty cool actually, I got to find out some interesting things about some people. Like one guy was asked what his favourite food was, and he said barbecue sauce. He even had a favourite brand and flavour. XD
I got asked who my favourite band or musician was, and naturally I said Gackt, and explained who he was. That was interesting. I got a "Wait...wha...how did you get...?" and I had to proceed to explain my Otakuness to the class. XD
I hope we do more things like that in there. ^^
Math...well. It's math. what can I say? =_=
IET was alright, I'm trying to feel that class out a bit still. It's a really small class though. And it starts 10 minutes after my math class gets out. Which wouldn't be a problem except my math class is on the 2nd floor of the Gyte building, and I have to get to the 2nd floor of the Anderson building. Those who I know in real life, and you know the PUC campus know what I'm talking about. For those who don't, basically it's about the distance of an average residential block...
[-----------Long distance-----------------]
If that helps any, lol.
I kind of mass uploaded today, sorry for that. I mean, I suppose 5 pictures isn't all too bad, but there are a couple more, I just have to feel not so lazy and scan them from my sketch book.
Waaa~ Well I'll think I'll leave this off here for now, I had more I wanted to say...but I can't think of it.
For information about commissions, please visit my site here: http://www.freewebs.com/ranefea/ , and click the link "commissions" on the left. ^_^
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Monday, January 15, 2007
And Tomorrow it Starts...
Yes, tomorrow the spring semester starts. My break seems as if it was far too short. I spent most of it sick, which prevented me from getting done many things I had planned to complete. I was hoping to begin my Riku cosplay, but using a sewing machine I have had no experience with while not being entirely aware did not seem like a very good idea(It would have been interesting though).
I'm retaking the math class I had to drop last semester, and I hope to be able to make it through to the end this time around. As far as math classes go, I only need this one and the one after for my major, so as long as I can get through these classes I will never have to take another math class again(I'm hoping...).
I only have one CGT class this semester, CGT 353, which is the Flash class. All my other classes I already can see I will be bored with, I just hope I do not get bogged down as I did last semester. Having no free time whatsoever really blows, and I have ACen to prepare for this semester(where I'm making my Riku cosplay for, and hoping to have a table in the Artist's Alley).
For information about commissions, please visit my site here: http://www.freewebs.com/ranefea/ , and click the link "commissions" on the left. ^_^
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Sunday, January 14, 2007
I felt like making a wallpaper, and of course what else am I going to make a wallpaper of other than Fushigi Yuugi? =D
Yes, yes, it IS a bit pink...>.>
Buuut that was the colour theme of the original manga image I used to create this from, so I stuck with that =P
 Hosted By theOtaku.com.
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Saturday, January 13, 2007
One shot gag doujinshi
Well last night I uploaded a gag doujinshi that was a joke about Alviss' hair (MAR, aka Marchen Awaken Romance) between a friend and myself.
Since the Fan Manga section doesn't have that nifty tag feature yet, you guys will just have to do with a URL =P .
Also, on another note, I just want to say thank you to everyone who comments on my artwork and on these posts. I really appreciate it a lot!
Out of everything theOtaku could still have, a good way to reply directly to comments is something I'd love so I could reply to all of you on an individual basis. But until then, I'll just have to thank everyone here. Again, Thank You! ^_^
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