Sunday, December 17, 2006
-Twilight Princess-
I got Twilight Princess for GameCube. Finally. Since yesterday I haven't been doing much else than playing it, except for when my brother decides to take it >.>;
But yeah, I might not be around too much for awhile because of it. I stayed up until 5AM playing it ^^; And I'm working on other things like commissions when I'm not playing ^^;
In other news, I checked my grade for Economics when the professor sent out an email that he had them up, and it said I have a "B". This can't be possible. It HAS to be wrong. I'm not going to get excited about it until I receive my final official grades. There is NO WAY I could have done that well. But lets just hope I DID get a "B" that would be wonderful ^^
Working on two commissions, and an art trade.
For information about commissions, please visit my site here: http://www.freewebs.com/ranefea/ , and click the link "commissions" on the left. ^_^
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