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Thursday, June 2, 2005
cute pic i saw from one of ranmavs old posts

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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
wow.. remember me? this person who hasnt updated FOREVER... anyway just thought i'd remind everybody that i LOVE RANMA 1/2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YA OK...CREO QUE ESTOY OBSESSED CON RANMA 1/2 NA KAILANGAN KO I-SABI ITO SA TAGALOG AT ESPANOL!!! NAKO NAMAN I NEED TO STUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! K.. WISH ME GOODLUCK ON MY EXAMS... (i really need it) ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH I WISH MY LIFE WAS MORE LIKE A MANGA (PREFERABLY RANMA 1/2) K KAILANGAN KO NA MAK STUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I THINK I'M GOING CRAZY!!!!!!!!!CRAZY FOR FEELING SO LONELY ... OK Gotta stoP!!!!! i need ranma 1/2 now!!!!!!!!
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Friday, March 11, 2005
I haven't added quizzes to my posts in a long time...
 You are an angel of the forest. You love to have a good time and to get in trouble. For you, it's all fun and games. You like to have friends, preferably not human, and can converse with all animals. You love to party, and like to be alone. You are a deep person, but most people miss it. Thinking that you are just childish and young. Which you are not. You are old, and wise, even if nobody can see it. You know what the real world is like, better that your peers. You have a naturally beatiful singing voice, and are a natural with most instruments.
You can often loose your self. But will always find yourself again. For that is just who you are.
Be happy. Never change. Because you are beautiful.
What Type Of Angel Have You Become? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
hey its wednesday!
hi .. its wednesday! how was ur week? mine was okay... pretty good.. oyea 2moro's my friends birhtday! i hafta get her someting.. she wants food.. hehe.. i wanna get her a chicken cuz she really likes it and gets really excited when she has it... it'll be a good k l8ter na lang..
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
skool's over
Hey its tuesday...
I had no school yesterday.. which was really good.. today has been an ok day.. I hafta study for my math test on thursday, cuz my whole gpa is like counting on that test.. i hafta get a 3.75 i think so that i can get into Georgetown U, cuz my parents are like bribing me to go there and have been wanting me to go there ever since i was in elementary school... but yea.. either i go to Georgetown or out of the country me if u wanna know why.. but yea watever..
We just had tech crew/cast pictures for our spring play "The King and I". Yup..
Oyea this weekend (thursday, friday, sat, sun, and monday--cuz of no school) i spent like so much time watching my ranma 1/2 tapes.. it was crazy.. i am so obsessed... i watched the 3 oavs, the 6 shows from the start of the anime, and the chestnuts cooking on an open fire and baksai tenkets, and the end of the ice skating one.. it was like a marathon.. i watched each one like twice..
Does anybody know asian kung fu generation? my sister got jealous of me when she found out that one of my friends was giving me a cd.. so then she wouldn't let me watch the music videos she recorded of them.. owell..
these are just some kool pics i thought were interesting (ranma related of course)
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finally !
finally the posts work.. but i had to cut out the "shout" thing.. i think i 'll try to put it on this post instead then.. i really gotta go though. the bell just rung.. :P :( time for chemistry ...
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Sunday, February 27, 2005
HEY its sunday... :-P
i hope this post shows up...
Today is sunday.. I still hafta do some hw.. cuz i was watching my ranma tapes over the weekend :P ...i am such a procrastinator.. which is very bad..o well. i wonder if i will change.. probably not..(i hope i do at least a little though :D :P)
I love the ranma oavs.. I think the animation on those are better than in the movie (the 1st movie at least.. I haven't watched the 2nd one)..
Oyea today is the oscars.. I watched aviator about a month ago.. It was really good.. but I predict that "Ray" is gonna win alotta awards..
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Friday, February 25, 2005
Hey its Friday and i've got no school!!! yay!! (there wasn't any school yesterday also !hehe)
ok.. well now that my mom's gone, we don't have internet access.. which is really really sucky.. the only thing good about it is that i don't get as distracted...but now i can't post as often as before..
anyway..i'm so glad i don't have school! although i still hafta finish some hw.. ehh..
yesterday i watched a ton of Ranma tapes.. some from 1st and 2nd season, and 3 oavs.. the oavs are soo good! i love em.. i want the music from them too! ah im obsessed.. :P ...
I have to finish Tale of two cities.. which was supposed to be due today.. i'm such a procrastinator..:P very bad.. i think i should join that procrastinators club thing..
i hope i do well im my piano lesson today.. it kinda sux .. well actually it really sux to have piano lessons on friday night.. can you imagine that? it really does suc.. but then again if there are parties on friday i don't wanna go to i always have an excuse.. (i'm not the most social person..) but a lot a the time it sux.. ok thats enough complaining..
here's a cute pic of akane from the oav intro

ok.. sige na... ; ) l8ter.. :P
-\/ | | ) /-\
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
hi.. its tuesday..
Hey how was your weekend? Mine sucked.. it was boring and my mom got mad at me.. and she's on another continent.... that may not make sense but whatever.. i feel so bad.. I hope the day goes better.. i have a religion test.. mark's gospel and other stuff...
today i also have hula lessons.. i have to make leis out of yarn afterschool cuz the teacher can't afford to buy new ones... they're really cool...
I wonder what i'm gonna have for dinner? What did you have for dinner yestderday night??
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
the day after VALENTINE'S DAY...
hey how was your valentine's day? mine was ok.. i was late for school.. once AGAIN and it started out kinda sucky but it was much better towards the end...
i didn't know parents were supposed to get they're kids stuff for valentine's day.. but now that i think of it, it makes sense.. i realized that when my classmates were telling me the stuff they got from their parents..
... i shud have gotten something for them.. it was kinda sad that morning cuz my mom wasn't there and we didn't even really awknowledge the fact that it was st.val. day.. and we were running late.. yup
I DID get lotsa candy from my friends.. i shuda gotten stuf or made valentines.. owell...
then..when skool was FINALLY over (i still can't believe that its only TUESDAY) i met up with this guy i haven't talked to for a long time (wait actually the friday before i did talk to him.. i meant as in a conversation i guess. idunno) and we talked about stuff and i kept him company since he was bored an i felt like talkin to him an yea . ...
then i had to go, i visited my yaya (caretaker/babysitter person who took care of my when i was little) and had some dinner where she works(she takes care of an old lady) and did my hw..
then i went home.. tired.. sleepy.. (and kinda grouchy. hehe) yup.. that was my valentines day... HOW WAS URS?!?
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