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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
aim screenname
oyea i found out that my screename for aim still works!! Can u tell me all ur screennames in the comments?
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random quiz i got from lionheart..
1. what inspired you to be an Otaku member?
2. which do you prefer? manga series or tv series?
3. favorite store? why
4. a name that was you to tease you when you were a kid? what was the reason?
5. bananas or pajamas?
6. who did you like more, mother or father?
7. recent played game, or song over played?
8. who your daddy?
9. why did you pick the name as your permanent otaku id?
10. are you going to put up this quiz to spread the ParnoidPerson wrath?
my answers...
1. umm. . i wanted to send anime ecards.. hehe
2. MANGA..cept i still like watching it an listening to what thier voices would sound like...(an i actually own more anime than manga)
3. borders? cuz i can read the anime there.. but i also like anime fx (where all my cheap ranma anime was from)
4. what? umm. ..joe kiddo .. hehe.. i had glasses (still do)and i think my sister though i liked him
5. both.. i'm kinda hungry now..
6. umm. both..
7. huh.. song over played? ...ranma opening songs..
8. my father
9. well.. i was kinda hoping i could change it.. (i still like it tho) .. the name speaks for itself really
10. yea probably. (whos paranoidperson?)
but yea.. i wanted to put sumthing different.. so yea..
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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
hey its lunchtime!
yea right now I probably should be eating lunch but I was near the library and I thought I might update my posts yea...
oyea and its FAT TUESDAY... or MARDI GRAS ! EAT UP!(yea i proabably should go and eat)
Today for lunch: shopao .. I'm not sure if thats the correct spelling, and I don't think it is... I almost always have shopao for lunch... oyea for all of you non-filipino people, shopao is a meat bun.. you've probably seen them in anime/mangas.. They're good but I have gotten tired of eating them!! Maybe I'll give them up for lent... hehe.. who knows???
Actually I was thinking of giving up cookies for lent..
OK.. Gotta go.. eat lunch... and study for spanish test!!! ahhhhh!!! ok .. l8ter na lang ok? (tagalog for ummm actually i don't know how to translate that word for word.. ) ok .. bie!
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Friday, February 4, 2005
its friday again... yeay!!!okok.. umm. i gotta do community service sometime.. i've gotta do 80 hours in the 4 years im at this high school.. here's a website for community service stuff...:
yea i don't think ya'll care.. but yea..
i gotta pick up my sister in like 5 minutes.. she's rehearsing for the play : The King and I... i'm on tech crew..
Tomorow I'm gonna go to Williamsburg for this chorus concert thing.. I hope it''l be really fun.. ! I have a ton of homework though...
Oyea i just got back a math test i did REALLY badly on... it sux... i thought i'd do a little better that THAT... I wanted to start off the semester well, but apparently I wasn't able to do that :'( ohhwell...itsux!
 You would be a regular girl. You are very nice and most of the time you are quite mellow. You don't stand out in the crowd but you have a lot of friends. You are also helpfuland trustworthy.(please rate)
what kind of girl are you?(Anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
Hey.. its tuesday.. very cold here..
I've finally caught up in Tale of Two Cities.. i've got a quiz next period.. hope it goes well.
l8ter.. gotta study and do some other hw.. hehe..
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
hey its thursday...
Hey its thursday... what are u doing for tomoro?? Well tonight i'll have a ton of hw to do.. an now i hafta go to chorus practice.. ok .. later!
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Wednesday, January 26, 2005
more ranma pics!!!

hehe i like this one.. peace out.. lol... so corny..
ok ..
This week has gone by so incredibly slow.. its only wednesday.. i cant believe it. Can't wait for the dance tho.. im going stag.. (i dont know wat stag is supposed to mean litterallly but i know it means w/out a date) but yea.. hmm..
talk later
-\ / | |) /-\
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
funny pic a ranma!

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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
NO MORE SKOOL.. till friday..
no school! cuz a the inaguration... and it snowed!! yea! okie.. here are some things.. --> good chobits website.. --> good website for anime... ..ranma midis! .. ranma pics!.. some of the pics aren't accessisible for sum reason.. dunno maybe its my comp.. but good there are pictures anyhow .. more ranma stuff
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