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myOtaku.com: rareone04

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

   New poems
Ok, so my old peoms were a little... pathetic. But these new ones I've been working on are kinda good... I guess...

Ballad of Encouragement
Alas, despite what shallow beleifs boast, there is little, if any, line between fair and fell. Relize that even in the grimest times, faith is the key to recovery. After all, the inky blackness of despair only makes it easier to see the joys of life. And remember, when ill fate rears its ugly head, and the world seems to crumble around you.. Fear not! For hope, like the stars, like the pheonix, is incabable of death. As long as the beleif in a better life exists, there is the potentail that misfortune, being as unpredictable as it is, will fade away.

Can it be immortal?
If the pheonix dies annually,
But never passes on?
Then again...
Who gave us, mere mortals, the Right to know?
After all, there are billions of Stars in a galaxy, and countless
Galaxies in the Universe, and Each star is cabable of life Support... Yet we say that we are The only living things out there. We also say that the pheonix, the Dragon, the unicorn, never Existed, even though cultures Around the world that never had Contact with each other, reported Seeing these creatures. If the Animals of myth are pure fantasy, From whom's imagination did they Come? Either every anceit culture Known was was wrong about their Relegions, or we, modern man, Must accept that OUR culture was Wrong for a change.

What do you think? Please, PLEASE don't steal these poems. I worked all night on them.

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