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Monday, May 29, 2006

i know i havent been on in a while cuz instead of updating im yelling at my exfriend online. she-who-must-not-be-named. she just really went to far this time. soooo yeah, shes gone.

i dont think i posted since i went to NYC, well, it was fun, even tho i was in a room with she-who-must-not-be-named. we went to the museam twice and saw really hawt guys ((lol)) and ate ALOT of candy, i mean ALOT.

ummm i cant think of anything else...yeah. my week was pretty boring except the fights. oh! my friend got and A+ on the reproduction test in science, AKA, the sex test. so now we make fun of her for knowing her sex. lol. and my other friends boyfriend is REALLY tall, and he ran into a lantern and got a scar on his face,((poor him)) and we're conviced it was mothic. we are POSITIVE that he was walking towards it like, liiiiiiiiiiiight. but he says otherwise XP

so how was ur week??

happy memorial day to all those in USA
memorail day is just a fancy way to say, no school :]]


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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

HI!!!!! im dunno what to say. hi

i collected money on a corner with my basketball team, and 4 hawt guys in a red corvet all gave me all their money, which was a quater. so I GOT A DOLLAR!!!!! DFSBJKSDLKJFSDILRSDM,SALKlksdkljsdtlksdlk. im bored. i must pack, my class is goin to New York, even though i go there every summer. so the only fun part is the friend factor. YAY FRIEND FACTOR!!!!!!

yesterday i downloaded like 9783578921987137901438925387923890 anime/manga songs. they make me happy :]]

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Friday, May 12, 2006

   dun sgd jnklkjse ,ds klj IM HYPERRRRRRR

HYPERRRRR ((im hyper))

last night i stole red bull from my mom and i was hyper durin b ball practice and was able to finish my homework. then this morning i was like, really sleepy, and the beginnin of the day sucked, but it got better. Durin one of my classes ((global studies, basically world history, which i now hate cuz my sub until the end of the year, i've had for 2years sraight cuz of maternaty leaves, and, she hates me)), our teacher came in 20min late, so we sat around and talked, wrote on the board, and threw tissues through the fan.
then it was lunch XD
we went to that stupid talk and she who must not be named said NOTHING the whole time, and we r supposed to leave it alone until after our field trip on thurs. then she started talkin to me like everything was alright. sdfnklgnkjsgfjksrdm,sjdfs,fd/ im angered.

but hyper. very hyper.

my moms makin me get my hair done X/ i dont wanna. im gonna get yelled at by the hairdresser, cuz somehow, a BIG chunk of my hair is like...poof. itz really REALLY short in the middle of my head. and my moms pissed so i kno the lady will like, murder me. so im scared, and i dont want to.

and my bf is grounded((that noob)) and shes thinkin of goin to boarding school ((i'll kiddnapp her if she does))

thats all

wheeeeeeeeeeeeee **hyperness**


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Thursday, May 11, 2006

   I wish you�d stay...
i have to go to a fuckin meeting at fuckin lunch tomorrow to work out fucking friendship problems FUCK. IT. ALL. im soooo pissed off. 1st, she lies to everybody, amkin them mad at me for half of the day, THEN she tells a teacher so now we gotta meet, AND shes makin other people fight,


makin my friend SERIOUSLY think about suicide.
and like, im startin to fail french and math ((dont really care about french)) and i went to get help from my french teacher...NEVER FUCKING SHOWED. thhen she was like, oh im sorry i was with them at their party. YOU WENT TO A FUCKING PARTY, WHEN YOU TOLD ME TO COME?!?!?!?! i thought i was gonna murder her. this is the 3rd time it happened, i swear. but my math teacher actually, SHOWED, thank the lord. but yeah, everybodies upset and frustrated and pissed beyond. and she who must not be named ((guess who)) is just making it worse, and screwing with my friends head, and i swear, if we make it until the summer without one of us attempting suicide, im gonna like, become a saint or something, and thank God everyday. oh, and it rained today, making me feel even more depressed :[

its horrible

i cant even sleep

one of my friends is depressed 24/7

making me depressed








time for emoism ((what my friend calls the depressing trances im in when im upset))[[itz gonna be short cuz i have homework and basketball, shiiit]]

Look at the angels falling, they look so beautiful in the night sky...
Watching them fall, they look like the tears,
that's been cried by millions through the last few months.
Black blood comes from black hearts, he had to remind me as blood poured down my hand, and my heart turned to steel, making it harder to break, and to pick up the pieces

e last time,
you and I
under the city skyline,
that's about to shatter,
look at the angels falling, they look so beautiful in the night sky...

ok sorry if i just made you depressed, but i had to get it out to someone, cause nobody would 1) listen, 2) care, or 3) be able to hear it without crying

so thanks


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Monday, May 8, 2006

Dear Tragedy...
i didnt go to the concert
i did good on both of my recitals
i think im gonna kill one of my friends ((the one that lied))

and like, now im all depressed cause today was filled with yelling and screaming and fighting and deceving and crying and all that shit.

apparently the friend that lied to me is in love with me ((seriously, she est bi)) and everytime i hug one of my friend she shoots glares at them. wtf? we fight all the time, i dont even know if we were ever friends
i've never played my guitar longer than last nite, wen i was really pissed at her.


this is a long post
i'll end with something emo


Your sultry eyes, your common kiss, I�m in disguise, its something I miss. Your lipstick smears, I�m feeling grey, with not much time to take me away. This city is far from here. Now turn back, turn back. I�m scared, but in the bright lights we fade into the rearview mirror.

Look what I�ve done now, you�re dying from love and you�re bleeding. Why cant I just wake up from this life? �cause I�m dreaming. Look what I�ve don�t now, I�m sick of this town and I�m leaving. Why cant I just wake up from this life? �cause I�m dreaming. Look what I�ve done now, you�re dying from love and you�re bleeding

ok im done complaining to you
my friend joined myO **parade**


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Wednesday, May 3, 2006

i was lied to by my friend...the one who thinks my imaginary friend is real. she told me she had a brain hemerage and was hurtin herself and it was all my fault. then wen i was talkin to her twin sister, she was like...wtf r u talkin about??? so i was pissed for almost all this week, but she wrote me like 287154287951905649825879780 sry letters, so im kinda like...ehh. BUT good news. and bad news.
bad news: the fall out boy, all american rejects, hawthorne heights, and from first to last concert sold out b4 i got tickets.
good news: they sometimes give free tickets and my friends are gonna try to get one for me. YAYYYYYY FRIENDSHIPPPPPPPPPPPPP
today was our last LAX game and we loast by one, but we dont care, we had fun. and...yeahhhh

this FBI agent came to talk to us about online safety and really scared all of us SHITLESS about goin online. i was like, FUCKKKKKK IM SCAREDDDDD XP

thats all, i shall go blast random music on itunes now.

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Sunday, April 30, 2006

ok so...
we won 1 out of 2basketball games last sunday, our best player got hurt, so then we friday and yesterday, so we r out of the tournament. oh well.
so wussup with you guys. im bored outta my mind and i wanna go somewhere but i think my mom will make me go to the store with her X_x i dont wanna...

ohhhh yesterday was my sisters prom, and her date ((the cutest thing you'll ever seen)) was late cuz he lives FARRRRRR away. and i took videos of her being a bitch!!!! and pictures when she wasnt lookin :]
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

oh how i love her <3

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Sunday, April 23, 2006

...we won our game against my old team. i had fun. as soon as i got out of the car, 3 of them were coming up the street. we ran and hugged each other and walked in 2gether. then, wen my team was changing our uniforms from white to blue, one of my old teammates walked in, paused, and walked out. it was hilarious.
then i got home, thinkin i was gonna sleep and maybe do some homework, but oh no. i had to go have dinner with my aunt that i dont even remember and her 6friends. the whole time me and my mom were at the end of the table talkin to each other.
then i finally came home and watched headbangers ball until i went to bed.
i have 2games today at 1 and at 6. i dont wanna go. im too sleepy. but alas, i must ((which sucks)) yeahhhhhhh im gonna eat now...

have a nice sunday everybodyyyyyy

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Saturday, April 22, 2006

hi. itz saturday. and im sleepy.
last night i had a basketball game, we won by 3, should've won by 20 but half of my team are street ballers and they don't know when to slow down. today i have another basketball game against my old team. im so excited!!!!! we have to win. or my old team will never let me live it down. 2morrow i hav 2 basketball games. fun fun fun.
my friend gave me a media cd with 82 japanese rock/pop/techno songs. they are sooooooooo good, just one problem...i have to burn them all on cds to get them on itunes...which would take ALOT of cds. oh well.
cya later

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Sunday, April 16, 2006


happy easter to all the people who celebrate it, and if u don't, happy sunday!!!!
on friday i selpt over my bff, erin, house with 3of my other bff. it was so much fun. we were gonna watch the brothers grimm but instead we stayed in the kitchen for 4hours((12am-4am))talkin. we were talkin about wut we wanted to do for our convocations ((speach thingys)) and erin goes i wanna do it on ian ((her brother))and my friend jada ((whose obsessed with ian)) was like I LOVE IAN!!! and my friend kendall goes, "watch him come up rite now ready? hes gonna come. I LOVE IAN!!!!!" and he appeared in the doorway, so we screamed and he jumpped, stared at us, and went to his room. it was fuckin hilarious. and we played our guitars for ian, but hes a god at guitar and we were like....we suck. we did other things like hide-n-seek ((we scared each other shitless)) and went outside and attacked her dog and other shit. it was so much fun.
last nite i watched the MCR dvd cuz i was bored outta my mind...like seriously. and now i cant stop listenin 2 MCR. so far, i've been listenin to ALL their songs for....3hrs and counting XD

today im goin 2 a resturant with my family for easter. if ur doing anything...HAVE FUNNNN!!!!!!

((oh yeah, the video is kendall reacting wuhs she did wen we ran outside and erin diving from her old crib to her bed))

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