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myOtaku.com: ravemaster13

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

HI HI HI!!!!!!!! ok, i hav stuff 2 tell u.
on saturday me and my sis sleptover my aunts house cuz she lives closer 2 collage park then we do. it was fun. i missed everything on toonami, and samurai champloo. o wel.

uh......we watched my sis games, and uh..........yeh

wow, monday was yesterday and i cant remember anything. O YEAH, durin activity i was tryin 2 hit keon with a dodgeball cuz he hit me with one, and i missed so i started runnin 2 go get it, but he pulled my arm, and somehow we both fell. we were laughin so hard. WHEEE. lol.

durin science we were makin paper and dryin them outside, so our teacher asked someone 2 go out there with them, so me, christina, trisha, and arielle went. we were SOOO stupid. then wen we went inside i took 2 pieces on tape a wrote one 1, sup hommies??(d$rox) and on the other 1 D$ rocks, then a jumpped on peter and put both on his bac, he didnt notice until JACKSON (that jackass) told him. grr. then i put it on counsler mike, and i was gonna put it on keon but he wasnt there!!!! T.T so i put it on patty instead. then other stuff happened and yada yada. it was this gurlz b day so she gave everyone half a bag of jolly ranchers. YAY!!!!!!

my sisters watchin laguna beach and talkin on da phone wit my cuz amber. HI AMBER. kk im gonna go.


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